How to Integrate ActiveCampaign With Your Form

July 3, 2024

ActiveCampaign offers one of the smoothest experiences for marketing automation, providing a premier set of features to help you manage your contacts and evaluate the prospective direction of your campaign.

With the ActiveCampaign integration, you can extend your workflow automation to your form by updating your contacts, adding a contact to automation, adding a note to a contact, and creating deals.

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Getting the ActiveCampaign Credentials

The ActiveCampaign integration requires you to prepare both the API URL and Key. Here’s how you can get that from your ActiveCampaign account:

  1. Login to your ActiveCampaign account.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
Settings options in ActiveCampaign dashboard
  1. Under the Developers section, copy both the API URL and Key:
Developers section of the ActiveCampaign account displaying the API URL and Key

Setting up the ActiveCampaign Integration

To integrate your form with ActiveCampaign

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Settings tab.
  2. Go to the Integrations section.
  3. Search for and click ActiveCampaign from the list.
ActiveCampaign integration option in the Jotform Form Builder
  1. Enter your ActiveCampaign’s API URL and Key.
  2. Click the Authenticate button to connect your ActiveCampaign account.
ActiveCampaign integration settings with API URL and API Key boxes and the Authenticate button
  1. At this step, set up the following:
    • Select an ActiveCampaign Action
    • Select List
    • Select Tag
    • Match Your Form Fields
Action, List, and Tag dropdowns in the ActiveCampaign Integration settings with the mapping of fields
  1. Click the Save button if everything is set.
  2. Click the Complete Integration button if you wish to complete the integration or the Add New button to add multiple actions triggered whenever your form is submitted. With ActiveCampaign, you can choose the following actions:
    • Create/update a contact
    • Add a contact to automation
    • Add a note to a contact
    • Create a deal
Add New and Complete integration buttons in ActiveCampaign integration settings
  1. Finally, click the Finish button to exit the settings.
Finish button in ActiveCampaign Integration with Jotform

And that’s it! Your contacts and deals will be automatically updated as you get more responses on your form.

Pro Tip

You can integrate ActiveCampaign with Jotform Sign by following the steps above. Head to Jotform Sign Builder and set up the integration as this guide outlines.

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  • Soulémane  TEDAKA - Profile picture