How to Integrate Jotform with Slack

September 26, 2023

Slack is the most versatile collaboration platform that boasts impressive features that keep teams productive and up-to-date with their projects, tasks, and decisions.

The Slack Integration on Jotform sends your form submissions to Slack automatically, instantly creating updates on your Slack workspace. Now you can focus on getting the work done.

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The Slack integration is easy to set up. Let’s start!

  1. In the Form Builder, go to the Settings tab.
  2. Click Integrations on the left.
  3. Search for Slack, and click it.
  1. Link your Slack account by clicking the Authenticate button. If you’ve already linked it, select the account from the dropdown.
  1. Next, set up the following options:
    • Choose a Channel or a User — You can send the submission to a specific channel or a user from your Slack workspace.
    • Add Message — You can customize the message with an option to personalize it with data from your Form Fields.
    • Select Fields — You can select to send all or just specific fields along with the message.
    • Add Action Buttons — You can add both View and Edit Submission buttons. However, you must ensure that all members from the selected channel or the user have enough permission to do these actions.
    • Edit Notification — Optionally, you can enable the notification when you or your team edit the submissions.
  1. Click the Save button to save your integration options.
  2. Finally, click the Complete Integration button. Or click the Add New button to send the submission to another channel or a user.

That’s it! Your form will do all the work as your team members collaborate on getting things done. Here’s an example of how Slack receives the data:

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