How to Delete Your Jotform Account

June 12, 2024

Deleting your account requires you to enter your Jotform password. If you forgot your password, you can reset it to get a new one. See How to Reset Your Jotform Password for more information.

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To delete your Jotform account

  1. Go to Account Profile and select Delete My Account at the bottom.
An arrow pointing to the Delete My Account link on the Jotform Account Profile page
  1. In the confirmation dialog, select Yes, Delete.
An arrow pointing to the "Yes, Delete" button on the Jotform Account Profile page
  1. Enter your password, then select Verify.
A screenshot of the  "Verify That It’s You to Delete Your Account: Please enter your password" window on the Jotform Account Profile page


If you used Google or Facebook to register and don’t have a dedicated Jotform password or if you forgot your password, you can get a new one by resetting your Jotform password.

  1. Finally, select Delete My Account to delete your account. Or select the close (“X”) icon in the upper-right corner to cancel.
The delete confirmation window on the Jotform Account Profile page with highlights on the Delete My Account button and the close icon

If you’re having trouble deleting your account, contact Jotform Support for assistance.

See also: How to Cancel Your Subscription.

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