How to Add a Logo in Jotform Cards

March 28, 2024

Logos serve as visual representations of your company, service, or product. Adding a logo to your Card form reinforces your brand identity. Respondents who are familiar with your logo will instantly recognize your organization. This recognition can build trust and encourage engagement.

Youtube Embed Poster: 22pLv5UJqng

To add a logo to your Card form

  1. In the Form Builder, select Add/Edit Welcome Page at the top.
The Edit Welcome Page link in Jotform Card

For the Thank You page, select Edit Thank You Page at the bottom.

The Edit Welcome Page link in Jotform Card
  1. Click on the existing logo.
  2. In the right panel, select Remove Image.
Steps to remove the logo in Jotform Cards
  1. Choose an option for your image source.
The logo image source options in Jotform Cards

Here are the available options:

  • Upload — Choose an image file from your device.
  • My Images — Choose one from your previously uploaded images. You can also delete your uploaded images here.
  • Enter URL — Enter the link or address to your image.

You can also go to the Select Icon tab and choose an icon as a logo.

The Select Icon tab in Jotform Cards' welcome page

Remember that logos are often trademarked items, so ensure you have the necessary permissions before adding one to your form.

Academy Logo

Introduction to Form Building

Headings, Page Breaks, Logos, and More

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