How to Set Up the Emoji Slider in Jotform Cards?

November 4, 2022

Emoji Slider is a feature added within Jotform Cards that allows you to interact with your form respondents in a more enjoyable way.

Youtube Embed Poster: T1-gWZbsk-o

Here’s an actual demo of the Emoji Slider in Card Form:


To add the Emoji Slider to your Card Form:

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
  2. Scroll down to the Survey Elements under the Basic tab.
  3. Click the Emoji Slider to add. You can also drag and drop it anywhere in the form.
  1. In the interface of the Emoji Slider, click the Add Row link to add more rows and begin adding the labels.
  1. Click the Properties (gear icon) on the left side of the Emoji Slider to change its other options, including the Emoji Scale option, which you can find at the bottom of the Fields tab.

Here’s a demo form with the Emoji Slider:

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