Adding a form to BlogEngine.NET

March 19, 2024

Sameera Perera implemented a plug-in to make Jotform work on BlogEngine.NET open source .NET blogging tool. See this page to download the script and instructions:

What is BlogEngine.NET?

BlogEngine.NET is an open source .NET blogging project that was born out of desire for a better blog platform. A blog platform with less complexity, easy customization, and one that takes advantage of the latest .NET features.

How to Add Forms to BlogEngine.NET?

1. Download Sameera’s JotFormEmbed.cs script on this page.

2. Drop the JotFormEmbed.cs in to the App_Code/Extensions folder of your BE.NET installation.

3. Enter [jotform:formid,width,height] on your posts or pages.

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