How to Create PayPal Payment Forms

April 28, 2024

PayPal is one of the most popular payment processors commonly used with online forms. A PayPal payment form allows you to sell products, sell subscriptions, collect donations, and accept a custom payment amount.

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To create a PayPal payment form

  1. In the Form Builder, select Add Form Element in the upper-left corner.
An arrow pointing to the Add Form Elements button in Form Builder
  1. In Form Elements, go to Payments at the top.
  2. Search and choose your desired PayPal integration.
Steps to integrate PayPal with Jotform


Submissions on forms with PayPal Personal integration are initially considered Incomplete Payment entries. Jotform uses the IPN message to determine whether a submission’s payment is successful or not. To learn more, see PayPal Incomplete Payments.

  1. In the settings panel on the right, connect your PayPal account or enter your PayPal account email.
Steps to integrate PayPal with Jotform
  1. Choose the Payment Type. See Order Form Types for more information.
  2. Configure the rest of the settings, then select Continue at the bottom.
Steps to set the PayPal payment type in Jotform

Additional Gateway Settings

Select Additional Gateway Settings in the payment settings panel to see advanced options.

Steps to view additional gateway settings in Jotform

Here are the available options:

  • Users Can Select Multiple Products — Turn on to allow users to select multiple products on your form.
  • Show Total Price on the Form — Turn on to show the total on the form.
  • Sandbox Mode — Enable to switch to a self-contained, virtual PayPal environment for testing.
  • Authorization Only — Allows you to collect orders and charge customers at a later date. See How to Enable Payment Authorization to learn more.
  • Require Shipment Address — Turn on if you’ll be shipping products or need the user’s address for other purposes.
  • Checkout Language — Choose the language to be used on your checkout page.
  • IPN Relay URL — Enter the provided URL if you use PayPal with another provider needing IPN messages.
  • Pending Payment Email — Allows you to email customers who fail to submit their payments on time. For more information, see How to Set Up Incomplete Payment Notification Email.
  • Clickable Image Preview — Turn to open product images in a lightbox.
  • Use Decimals — Turn off if you don’t want to use decimals.
  • Decimal Separator — Choose your desired decimal separator.
  • Redirected PayPal Page Style — For custom payment pages. See PayPal’s Custom Payment Pages to learn more.
  • Checkout Logo — Replace your email address or merchant ID with a custom logo on the checkout page.
  • Checkout Cart Color — Choose a border color for the selected product items on the checkout page.

See also:

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