How to Change Your Form Layout

February 22, 2024

With the introduction of Jotform Cards comes an option to freely switch between Classic and Card form layouts anytime.

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Changing Your Layout via the Form Designer

To change your form layout using the Form Designer

  1. In the Form Builder, select the paint roller icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. In the Form Designer panel on the right, go to Layout at the top.
  3. Choose your desired layout.
Steps to change the form layout in Form Builder

Changing Your Layout via Form Settings

To change your layout via Form Settings

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Show More Options at the bottom.
Steps to view more options in Form Builder
  1. Scroll down to Form Layout and choose your desired layout.
The Form Layout option in the form builder's settings

Here are the available options:

  • All questions on one page (Classic).
  • Single question per page (Card).
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