Using the Jotform Power-Up in Trello

June 24, 2024

Trello is a premier collaboration and productivity tool loved by millions.

With the Jotform Power-Up in Trello, You can now build, design and  share your forms on Trello without having to leave your Trello card.

The first thing you have to do is add the Jotform Power-Up and connect your Jotform account:

1. Click the Power-Ups button in the upper right corner.

Using the Jotform Power-Up in Trello Image-1

2. Find Jotform in the list of Power-Ups and click the Add button.
3. Click the Settings button and Authorize account.

Using the Jotform Power-Up in Trello Image-2

4. After that, connect your Jotform account.

Using the Jotform Power-Up in Trello Image-3

Once you’ve connected your Jotform account, you can create new form, change the connected form, fill a form, or attach uploads and reports.

You can optionally attach a form to your card, and have your team fill it out:

You can keep track of form submissions by checking if any of the attached forms have a notification, or you can optionally attach a grid report, which can be opened with a single click:

Now you can build and share forms collaboratively and easily right from your Trello Card, saving you lots of planning and implementation time when rolling out webform tasks.

Youtube Embed Poster: _xjZTsXLj6w

Did you give it a try? Do you have any feedback? Let us know in the comments below.

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