Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits

July 24, 2024

Jotform offers a range of features to streamline data collection and management. However, to fully leverage its capabilities, it’s crucial to understand your account usage and limits. This knowledge not only helps you avoid service interruptions but also ensures optimal performance and cost efficiency. By staying informed about your usage, you can make strategic decisions that enhance your workflow and maximize the benefits of Jotform.

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For a quick breakdown of the limits for each plan, visit the Features and Pricing page.

How to View Your Current Usage

You can view your current usage and limits by selecting your avatar in the upper-right corner of the page.

Step to view the account usage in Jotform

You can also view your stats and monthly usage reset date on your Account Usage page.

The account usage page in Jotform

What Are the Usage Limits?

Aside from the API Call limit which resets daily, a limit can either be in monthly or total usage.

Monthly usage limits

The monthly usage limit refers to the maximum number of times you can use a feature every month. When you hit a monthly limit, you can either wait for your monthly usage to reset or upgrade your account to increase your limits. You can check your monthly usage reset date from your Account Usage page.

Here’s a list of form features with monthly limits:

  • Submissions — The total number of entries from all your forms or imports your account can have monthly.
    Note: A submission is when an entry is successfully created from your form. Entries created via Import Data are considered submissions.
  • Form Views — The total number of times, account-wide, your forms can be viewed. For more information, see Form View Limits.
  • Payment Submissions — The total number of submissions, from all your forms with payment integrations, your account can receive monthly.
  • Signed Documents — The total number of signing processes completed, from all your Sign documents, your account can have every month.


  • The monthly submission limit is per account and resets on the first day of your monthly usage cycle.
  • Deleting and purging monthly submissions, signed documents, or payment submissions will not free up their respective usage count.

Total usage limits

The total usage limit is the allowed space or number of an item your account can use. Unlike its monthly counterpart, this usage limit type doesn’t reset and has to be managed manually. You can also upgrade your account to increase limits.

Here’s a list of features with this type of usage limit:

  • Forms — The maximum number of forms that can be active in your account. For managing active forms, see How to Enable or Disable a Form.
  • Fields per Form — The maximum number of elements and/or widgets allowed on a form.
  • Upload Space — The available disk space you can use, account-wide, for storing files uploaded on your forms. To free up your upload space, you can delete and then purge your form entries with file uploads.
  • Submission Storage — Not to be confused with the monthly submission limit. Submission Storage is the maximum number of entries, from all your forms, you can keep in your account (can also be freed by purging form entries).
    Note: Exceeding this limit deletes the oldest form entry to make room for the new submission. To avoid losing data, see Downloading Form Submissions.
  • Email Notification — This limit is unique to the Starter (Free) plan where only one Email Notification with one recipient can be used. For more information, see Sending Notifications to Multiple Recipients.
  • Approvers — The total number of approvers you can add to a workflow, per workflow. For more information, see How to Request a Group Approval With Jotform Approvals.
  • Digest Emails — The maximum number of recipients for a Digest Email is 1 for the Starter plan users and 10 for the paid plan users.

Did you know?

You can upgrade or downgrade your account anytime according to your needs.

What Happens When You Hit a Limit?

When you reach a usage limit, the system will send you a notification email about the details.

Jotform's submission limit email
Submissions Limit
Jotform's form views limit email
Form Views Limit
Payments Limit
Jotform's  disabled forms notification email
Upload Space Limit
Jotform's submission storage full email
Submission Storage

You may also receive a warning message when you log in to your dashboard.

A usage limit notification in Jotform

Reaching the Upload Space or any of the monthly limits prompts the system to disable your forms on the scheduled date indicated in the email sent to you. Your forms will also display the “Form over quota” message.

A form over quota message

As already mentioned, you can delete and then purge your form entries with file uploads to free up your Upload Space. For the monthly limits, you can either wait for your monthly usage to reset or upgrade to increase your account limits.

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