How to Change the Page Title of Your Form

July 18, 2024

The page title of your form is the text that appears on the browser tab when someone views your form. It is also the text used when someone bookmarks your form or shares it on social media.

Youtube Embed Poster: qJy-3YJ-0f0

If your form shows a different text or title in browser tabs or link previews even after renaming it — for example, a cloned form may still show the “Clone of” text when viewed — you can update the page title in the Form Builder.

Browser tab with an arrow pointing title of a Contact Us form

To change your form’s page title

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Show More Options.
Steps to access more options in Jotform
  1. Scroll down to Page Title and enter your preferred title.
The page title option in Jotform

See also: How to Rename Your Form.

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