Form View Limits: What Is It All About?

June 19, 2023

Jotform has a limit for each plan called Form Views. It is called Form View when someone visits or views the form regardless if you have embedded or published it directly. You can read more about it on our blog here: Announcing Pricing Modification: Form View Limits.

Youtube Embed Poster: Wfu4gQ7NoKA

Now, there might be some unanswered questions, and we would be happy to answer them – which is the purpose of this article.

We should start with the limits. They can all be seen on our pricing page, and as you can see, depending on the plan, you will have different form view counts:

  • Starter Plan — The limit is 1,000 form views per month.
  • Bronze Plan — The limit is set to 10,000 form views per month.
  • Silver Plan — The limit is set to 100,000 form views per month.
  • Gold Plan — The limit is set to 1,000,000 form views per month.

Now, that covers everything easy to see, and we will reply to all else through segments, so feel free to jump to the heading of your interest, although we suggest checking them all out.

What Exactly Does a Form View Mean?

A Form View is sometimes referred to as an impression. So if you have a page on your website that gets 1,000 views per month, you are OK with the Starter Plan. Each time someone loads your page, it will also load the form, which would be considered a form view.

If someone goes to edit their submission – that is another example of a form view. Disabled forms will, however, not increase your form views.

Will Views From Preview Count as Form Views?

No. The Preview will not be counted against your form views. It will also not count if you view a form while logged in – even if it is embedded on your website. This means that form views only count if someone else views the form. The same applies if you are not logged into the system while checking it.

Where Can We Check Our Form Views?

You can check your Form Views by hovering on your Profile Picture and clicking the View More menu.

Form Views information through the Profile menu

Or by going to your account’s Usage page.

Settings link through the Profile Menu

What if I Have an Additional Question?

Great. We are waiting for you on our forum, so just let us know 🙂

You can do that by leaving a comment under this guide or by creating a new ticket.

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