How to Automatically Pass Form Data to Another Form

April 28, 2024

Passing data from one form to another can improve the user experience by eliminating the need for the user to enter the same information again. For example, if a user has entered their contact information in one form, that data can be automatically passed to a follow-up form.

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Setting Up the Forms

The setup requires two forms, the source form where the data will be coming from, and the target form where the data will be passed on. For this guide, the source will be a simple contact form and the target will be a newsletter signup form, as examples:

The goal is to pass the Email field’s value from the source (contact) form to the target (signup) form.

Building the Landing Page’s URL

Create the landing page using the target form’s URL since it will be the source form’s destination after submission. The URL looks similar to the following:{source_email}
form-builder-target-email-unique-name-min-png form-builder-source-email-unique-name-min-png

To break that down:

  • — The URL of the target form.
  • ? — The question mark is used as a separator.
  • target_email={source_email} — The query parameter* in key-value pair:

*Multiple query parameters are separated by the ampersand (“&”) symbol. For example[first]={name:first}&form2name[last]={name:last}&form2email={email}&form2checkbox={multiplechoice}

The sample query parameters above may differ from what you have on your form. Use the Field Prepopulator to get your form keys and tags.

Setting the Source Form’s Landing Page

Once you have the landing page’s URL, decide how to serve it from the source form. You can either redirect your users to the landing page after submission or serve the landing page as a link in your email alert or Thank You page.

To redirect your form fillers to the landing page after submission

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Go to Thank You Page on the left.
  3. Select Redirect to an external link after submission.
  4. Enter your landing page’s URL.
Steps to set up redirection in Form Builder

To serve the landing page to your form submitters as a link

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Emails or Thank You Page on the left.
  3. Edit your email alert. Or select Show a Thank You Page after submission for the Thank You page.
  4. In the editor, place your cursor where you want to insert the link.
  5. Select Insert/edit link at the top.
  6. In the dialog, enter the details of your link, then select Ok.
The Insert link dialog in the Form Builder's email template editor

You now have an automated way to pass the data from one form to another. See how it works in this demo form.

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