How to Add Tax to Your Payment Form

July 14, 2024

Jotform’s payment integrations allow you to add sales tax to any product or service you sell.

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This feature is available for the following payment gateways:

Before proceeding, please keep in mind that this feature is unavailable for Subscription and Donation based payment types.

Below are the steps to add a tax rate to your payment form.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the payment element.
  2. Click the Payment Settings (wand icon).
  3. Go to the Tax tab and set up the following:
    • Base Tax Rate
    • Exempted Products. Uncheck the product items that you wish to be excluded from being taxed.
    • The Tax Text on the Form
    • Set Tax Options from a Location Field

Set Tax Options from a Location Field

This option allows you to tax product items based on a location field. You can use and select a dropdown element on this option or an address element. If your form doesn’t have any of these elements, the option is disabled for you.


When selecting the dropdown element or the address: Country options, the dropdown options or the states/provinces are listed, and you only need to enter their tax rates, but when selecting the address: State / Province option, you must enter both the states’ full name and tax surcharge rates.

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