How to Use Visual Report Filters

June 24, 2024

Visual Report filters allow you to better analyze trends and patterns in your form responses by creating rules to determine which results are included in your charts and graphs.

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You can open the Filter Settings of the Jotform Report Builder page by clicking the Filter Menu button as shown in the screenshot below.

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In the Filter Settings, you can limit the submissions the filter would search from.

 All Submissions will filter all the submissions on the form.

 Unread will only filter unread form submissions.

 Read will only filter read submissions.

 Favorite will only filter flagged/starred submissions.

 Unfavored will only filter submissions that were not favorited.

Then, under the Advanced Search/Filter section of the Filter Settings,

(a) Set a filter based on the value of the Submission IP, Submission Date, Submission ID,  and the answer in the field of your form that is supported by Jotform Report Builder.

(b) Options of Dropdown, Single Choice (radio button), Multiple Choice (checkbox), Star Rating, and Scale Rating fields are automatically set as value options. For other field types, you need to specify a value by typing it into the value field. Submission Date allows you to select a date from a calendar pop-up.

(c) Here are the field statuses that you can select when creating a filter: includes, equals, not equal to, less than, less or equals than, greater than, greater or equals than. Please note that the available filter status depends on the field type of the selected field.

(d) You can create and combine multiple filters for a single report.

(e) Also, you can delete any unwanted filter you previously added.

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Any Advanced Search/ Filter that you created but left empty will be removed when you close settings. Any Advanced Search/Filter that you completed but did not apply will also be removed. You can apply an Advanced Search/Filter by clicking the Apply Filter button.

Date Range Settings is also available on the Jotform Report Builder page. This can be used to easily filter visual data to a specific date range. By default, The Date Range Settings is set to “All Time”. Changing it to a different date range (Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Previous week, Previous month, This year, Previous year, or Custom dates) will automatically apply filters to the report data.

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You need to click anywhere outside the Date Range Settings to apply the filter. Also, clicking a date on the calendar will set the date range to “Custom dates” automatically.

You can easily check the list of the Filters added to your report by hovering over on the Filter Menu button and clicking it will open the Filter Settings. You can delete “all” the filters you added in the report at once by clicking the “x” button on the right of the Filter Menu button.

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