How to Use Visual Report Filters

December 8, 2024

Visual Report Filters in Jotform Visual Reports are powerful tools that allow you to customize and interact with your data in real time. These filters allow you to easily sort, group, and focus on specific insights without modifying the original dataset. Whether you’re analyzing submission trends or highlighting key information, Visual Filters make it simple to explore your data and present it in a clear, meaningful way.

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Filtering Entries by Search In

You can filter your report data by different categories, including whether they are UnreadReadStarred, or Unstarred. To filter using Search In.

  1. In Visual Report Builder, click Filter next to the search bar on the upper-left side of the page.
Filter option to open the Filter Box in Jotform Visual Report Builder
  1. In the Filter box that opens, click on Search In to open the dropdown menu, then select your preferred option and click on Apply Filter.
Search in Option of Jotform Visual Report Builder

Here are the available Search In filters:

  • All Submissions — This option shows all the form submissions regardless of their status.
  • Unread — This filter shows only the submissions you have not read yet.
  • Read — This filter shows the form submissions that you have already read.
  • Starred —The Starred filter displays all submissions you have marked with a star.
  • Unstarred  The Unstarred filter will display only the submissions that do not have a star.

Filtering Entries by Submission Date

If you need to view reports on your form sent on specific dates, you can filter them by Submission Date:

  1. In the Filter box, click on All Time. You can choose your desired range in the date picker. You can use the presets on the right or choose custom dates using the calendar.
Date Option of Jotform Visual Report Builder
  1. Click anywhere outside the Date Filter box, then select Apply Filter.
Apply Filter Button in Jotform Visual Report Builder

Filtering Entries by Advanced Filters

You can use the Advanced Filters option if you need to filter out any specific fields from your visual reports.

  1. In the Filter box under Advanced Filters, you can set a condition to a field you want to filter.
Advanced Filter Option in Jotform Visual Report Builder
  1. Click on Add New Filter so you can add another Filter condition.
Add New Filter Button fn Jotform Visual Report Builder


  • When creating a filter, you can choose field statuses such as includes, equals, not equal to, less than, less or equals, greater than, and greater or equals. Keep in mind that the available statuses depend on the type of field you’re filtering.
  • Any Advanced Search or Filter left empty will be automatically removed when you close the settings. Similarly, completed filters that are not applied will also be removed. Make sure to click the Apply Filter button to save your filters.

Editing and Removing Filters

You can edit your existing filters by opening Filter. To remove filters, select the remove icon next to the Filter button.

Remove Option in Jotform Visual Report Builder
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