How to Enable IPN on your Paypal Account

December 6, 2023

IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a POST message sent by Paypal (for regular merchant accounts) whenever a transaction is completed on their side. This message contains all the data regarding the payment transaction completed by a form user. Go to our Incomplete Payments FAQ for more information.

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This guide is for PayPal Personal accounts. If you’re looking for PayPal Business and PayPal Payment Pro accounts, please visit the following user guide.

How to set up PayPal IPN settings: 

  1. Log in to your Paypal account, and navigate to the following:
    • Account Settings
    • Seller Tools
    • Click the Update link under the Instant payment notifications option.
  1. Click Choose IPN Settings button to specify your listener’s URL and activate the listener.
How to Enable IPN on your Paypal Account Image-1
  1. Specify the Default URL for your listener in the Notification URL field. If you’re not using IPN outside Jotform, you may use
  2. Choose Receive IPN messages (Enabled) to enable your listener.


The default notification URL does not matter. Jotform only needs IPN to be enabled.

  1. Click the Save button to complete the settings. You will get the following screen confirming that your IPN is enabled.
  1. Click the Back to My Profile link to return to your PayPal dashboard. If you wish to edit your IPN settings or turn off the IPN, follow step one to access your current IPN settings.
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