Create Sub-Products Based on a Product Option

July 7, 2022

Youtube Embed Poster: CQYQBlCSPD8

For product items with multiple variants, the typical way to allow customers to buy all variants is to create them as separate products in the form, making the form longer than usual. Instead of doing this method, Jotform offers a feature that automatically allows you to create the variants as sub-products in the form.

Let’s say you sell T-shirts with color variants such as Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow. By creating sub-products, your customers can choose all these from your form.

Assuming you’ve already created the payment form, you’ll have to load the form in the Form Builder by editing it.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the payment element.
  2. Open the Payment Settings by clicking the wand icon.
  3. Hover to one of your product items, and click Edit (pencil icon).
  1. Go to the Options tab.
  2. A quantity selector is required, so click the Add button under Add a Quantity Selector to add one.
  1. Choose your selector type between Dropdown or Text Box, and set up the other selector options.
  2. Once done, click the Save Quantity button.
  1. Next, edit or add a Product Option by clicking the Add button under Add a Product Option.
  1. You can choose Colors from the list of Presets or enter your custom Options.
  2. Toggle Create Sub Products from Options to On to create the sub-products for the chosen Option. You will automatically see the Sub Products created on the main form screen.

In the main Options tab, you’ll see all the Product Options, each with a text indicator that displays which Option has a sub-product.


The Form Builder automatically saves the changes, so you’ll only need to go back or close the window by clicking outside the payment settings window.

Feel free to check the following demo payment form with sub-products enabled.

Pro Tip:

You can also have a different price for each variant by enabling the Special Pricing Per Option.

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