How to Create Jotform API Keys

March 28, 2024

Jotform API keys allow you to authenticate your information and connect your form data to third-party services or custom solutions. They serve as authentication tokens, granting access to specific features and data within Jotform.

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To generate your Jotform API key

  1. Go to Account API and select Create New Key.
Steps to generate a new API key in Jotform
  1. Select your new API key’s name and enter your desired label.
The API key name in Jotform
  1. Change your API key’s permission if needed.
The API key permission in Jotform

Here are the available permission options:

  • Read Access — Grant read-only permission to your data.
  • Full Access — Grant full access (i.e., add, edit, delete) to your data.

Each subscription plan comes with a daily API call limit that resets daily at midnight (EST):

PlanDaily API Call Limit
Starter (FREE)1,000

See Jotform API Documentation for more information.

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