How to Catch User's Browser Information

June 9, 2023

Your user’s Browser Information can be crucial in some circumstances — for example, tracking issues on your website. The Browser Information provides you with data necessary to address the issues that your users are experiencing.

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The Hidden Box widget is a good tool for the above purpose. It will provide you with the following data when your user submits the form:

  • Browser — The user’s browser.
  • OS — The user’s operating system.
  • Device — The type of device your users used to submit the form, desktop or mobile.
  • Language — The language set on their browser.
  • Resolution — The device resolution.
  • Timezone — The user’s timezone.
  • User Agent — This identifies the user’s device and browser that renders your website.

Below are the steps on how you can set up the Hidden Box widget in your form:

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
  2. Go to the Widgets tab.
  3. Search for Hidden Box, and click it to add.
  1. On the left side of the widget, click the Gear icon to open its properties.
  2. Look for the Browser Info dropdown, and select Yes from it. That’s it!
How to Catch User's Browser Information Image-1

When you receive the email, the Browser Information is part of it. Here’s an example:

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