How to Share Forms With Other Users in Jotform Enterprise

December 19, 2024

Jotform Enterprise allows you to share forms with other users on your server. This guide shows how to share access to your forms and submissions in Jotform Enterprise.

Sharing Access to Individual Forms

To share your forms in Jotform Enterprise

  1. Select your avatar in the upper-right corner, then select Settings.
Steps to access Settings in Jotform Enterprise
  1. Go to Sharing on the left, then select Share with Another User.
Highlights to access the Share with Another User button
  1. Enter the user’s email address, then click Select from my forms.
Highlights to the Email field and Select from my forms option

You can choose to share all your forms by selecting the first option.

  1. Select the permissions in the table, for the forms you would like to share:
    • View Submissions — Allow the user to review and edit the form’s submissions.
    • Edit Form — Provide access to the form builder where the user can edit the form and its settings.
  2. Select Create at the bottom.
Highlights to the form permissions and the Create button on the Share Forms and Folders page

The recipient user will receive an invitation email to manage your forms. Once they accept, they can access your shared forms in their dashboard’s Share With Me section.

Step to view shared forms in Jotform Enterprise

Sharing Access to a Folder

If you prefer to keep forms organized in a folder structure, you might find it useful to share access to some folders with the other users on your Enterprise server.

To quickly share folders in Jotform Enterprise

  1. Go to My Forms and open the folder’s menu on the left.
  2. Select Share Folder.
Steps to access the Share Folder option in My Forms Enterprise
  1. Enter the receiver’s email address.
  2. Choose your desired permissions in the table:
    • View Submissions — Allow the user to review and edit the form’s submissions.
    • Edit Form — Provide access to the form builder where the user can edit the form and its settings.
  3. Select Create at the bottom.
Highlights to share a folder on the Share Forms and Folders page

The recipient user will receive an invitation email to manage your forms.

Transferring Forms and Data to Another Account

Jotform Enterprise users can transfer the ownership of their forms to another user on their server.

To transfer forms and data

  1. Have the receiver or target user set up and share a folder with you — an empty folder will do. For more information, see Sharing Access to a Folder.
  2. Next, go to your My Forms dashboard.
  3. Choose your forms and move them to the target user under Share With Me on the left.
Moving select Forms to transfer in My Forms Enterprise
  1. In the dialog, select Confirm to transfer the form ownership.
An arrow pointing to the Confirm button in Change Form Ownership dialog box
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