How to Integrate Forms With Google Sheets

May 24, 2024

Google Sheets is a powerful data management tool that helps you organize data and collaborate with others. You can integrate your forms with Google Sheets to automatically forward your form entries to your spreadsheet. New form data will be sent to your spreadsheet instantly so you and your team can view and analyze it immediately.

Youtube Embed Poster: nVx-hGZN7p0


  • Changes in your Google Sheets spreadsheet don’t affect your Jotform form entries.
  • Renaming column headings in Google Sheets may break the integration. You can redo the integration in Jotform to fix it.
  • Adding filters in Google Sheets may stop your spreadsheet from updating. Reapply the filters in Google Sheets to see the updates.
  • Inline edits in Tables won’t update entries in Google Sheets, unlike entry edits.

To integrate your form with Google Sheets

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Integrations on the left.
Steps to access integrations in Jotform
  1. Select and authenticate Google Sheets.
Steps to integrate Google Sheets with Jotform
  1. Choose whether to create a new spreadsheet or use an existing one.
Google Sheets configuration in Jotform


The “Use an Existing Spreadsheet” option allows you to select an existing spreadsheet from your Google Sheets or Drive account, but it works a little differently. Instead of adding new submissions as a new row to the selected spreadsheet, it creates a new worksheet to store your form data.

  1. Specify the spreadsheet and worksheet to use.
Google Sheets configuration in Jotform
  1. Choose the form fields to send to Google Sheets and save your configuration.
Google Sheets configuration in Jotform

Submission ID is selected by default and cannot be removed. You can show, hide, or remove it later in Google Sheets. To include your existing form entries before the integration, turn on Send existing submissions to the sheet.

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