How to Add Options to Payment Forms

April 13, 2023

One component of an online store is the ability to add variants to your products and the option to let customers input or select a quantity for each product. Some stores even made it so that each product variant will have special pricing. At Jotform, we made all these possible through our payment tools. You can set them up as Options.

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Adding Product Options is simply part of setting up a product item. It’s very straightforward. Let’s start!

  1. In the Form Builder, click the payment element.
  2. Click the Payment Settings (wand icon).
  3. Hover your mouse to the product item where you want to add the Options and click the Edit icon.
  1. At this step, go to the Options tab.

Adding a Quantity Selector

Add a quantity selector to your product item if you want to let your customers buy it in bulk.

  1. Click the Add button next to the “Add a Quantity Selector” section, as shown in the image above.
  2. Set up the following options:
    • Show Quantity on the Form as – you can choose Dropdown or Text Box as the selector or input of the quantity.
    • Label – the text of the Option when you view the form.
    • Range – the minimum and the maximum number of quantities that your customers can select.
    • Special Pricing Per Quantity – if you toggle this to Yes, you will have the option to set different prices based on the quantity. This particular option is helpful if you want to give discounts to your customers when they order multiple quantities of the product. Kindly visit our user guide on How To Set Up the Special Pricing Option in Payment Form for more information.

If you choose Text Box as the Quantity Selector, you’ll only be required to enter the Default Quantity. But since your customers can input a custom quantity, ensure that you have an unlimited stock of the product item. The Special Pricing Per Quantity is also disabled when selecting the Text Box option.

  1. Click the Save Quantity button to finish setting up the Quantity Selector.

Adding a Product Option

On top of the Quantity Selector, you can add custom product options to your form’s product items—for example, shirt size or print.

  1. Click the Add button next to the “Add a Product Option” section.
  2. Set up the following options:
    • Label – The text of the Option when you view the form
    • Create Sub-Products from Options – Sub Product means the variation of the Options you’ve added. When toggled, your customers can buy all of the item’s options. Please visit our user guide on how to Create Sub-Products Based on a Product Option for more details.
    • Special Pricing Per Option – you can set different pricing for the options. Visit our user guide on How To Set Up the Special Pricing Option in Payment Form.
    • Populate Options from Presets – we have presets such as Color, T-Shirt Size, Print Size, Screen Resolution, and Shoe Size. Selecting one of the options will automatically populate the boxes for the Label and the actual options.

The Form Builder automatically saves the Product Options. You can click the Back button to set up the Options for the other product items.

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