How to Create Your First Web Form

June 13, 2024

First-time Jotform users often ask how to create a simple form, how to set up email notifications, how to embed a form on a website, how to test the form to see if it’s working, and how to view responses in email and Jotform Inbox.

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Decide What to Ask

First, think about what kind of questions you want to ask your users. The best forms have higher conversion rates by keeping them short and simple. Many users will simply abandon a form if it has too many questions. So keep your forms as short and clear as possible.

State the Purpose in the Heading

You know why you’re creating this form, but visitors who land on your web page won’t know what your form does unless you tell them. Include a short heading, such as “Contact Us,” on your form. If it’s necessary, put additional information in the subheading.

Use Predefined Form Fields

Ask your visitors for their name and email address so you can keep track of your form submissions and follow up with visitors. Select Add Form Element in the upper-left corner of the Form Builder, all of the standard form elements appear under the Basic tab.

Steps to access form fields in the Form Builder

See Quick Overview of Form Elements for more information.

Use a Long Text Element for Long Answers

A large comment box allows form fillers to provide longer responses. Use the Long Text element under the Basic tab of Form Elements.

long text field

Set Up Email Alerts

With email alerts, you’ll receive an email every time someone completes your form. To create an email alert, go to Settings at the top, then select Emails on the left. If you’re creating an email that will come to you, select Notification. You can use Autoresponder when you need to send a confirmation email to a user who submitted your form.

See Setting Up Email Notifications to learn more.

Embed Your Form Into a Website

Embedding your form into a website is crucial to continuously collect data. To get your embed codes, go to Publish at the top, then select Embed on the left. Choose the embed option that suits you best.

Steps to get the embed codes in Jotform Form Builder

There are also specific ways of embedding your form into other website builders and CMS platforms. If you’re using one, go to Publish, then select Platforms in the left navigation.

Steps to access platform embed codes

Copy and paste the codes into your website’s source code, usually within the body tag, and your form will be integrated once you save the changes in your editor.

See Which Form Embed Code Should You Use for more information.

Test Your Form to See if It’s Working

Test your form on your live website to see that notifications are going to your email and your Jotform Inbox. If nothing comes through, go back and check that you set up your form and notification email correctly.

Congratulations on setting up your first form. Feel free to return to this guide anytime you get lost. Tell us about your experience in creating your first form in the comments section below.

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