How to Integrate Stripe Checkout With Jotform

April 22, 2024

Every e-commerce business wants to offer a smooth checkout experience to its customers because that’s the last step in a sale. Although the platform you use to handle transactions is essential, you shouldn’t overlook checkout.

As one of the leading payment gateways on the market, Stripe offers a checkout service that you can integrate with Jotform, just like the Stripe payment gateway itself.

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  • Stripe Checkout supports Google Pay and Apple Pay, but you must enable these two in your payment settings within Stripe. Visit Stripe – Activate a new payment method for more details.
  • Google Pay will only work on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and UCWeb UC Browser, while Apple Pay only works with the Safari browser.
  • As a form owner, you must inform your users that Google Pay and Apple Pay will only appear if they have added a payment method through their Google Pay or Apple Pay accounts. Otherwise, Stripe Checkout will not display these as payment options.

We’ve simplified the below steps to integrate Stripe Checkout with your form.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button on the top-left side of the screen.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Click or drag/drop Stripe Checkout to your form.
Jotform Form Builder with steps to click on Add Form Element button on left screen, Payments tab, and Stripe checkout
  1. In the Payment Settings, select first the Mode. The Mode determines the Stripe Checkout environment you’re using. Test for testing in Sandbox and Live to accept live payments.
  2. Click the Connect button and authenticate by logging in to your Stripe account. Once connected, the button will turn green and will display as Connected.
  3. Choose your preferred Currency. In the Currency dropdown, you can select one of 100+ supported currencies. 
  4. Select the Payment Type. You can sell products or subscriptions, set up user-defined amounts, or collect donations. To learn more, see Order Form Types.
Payment Settings panel on the right part of the screen showing the Connect button, the dropdowns for Mode, Currency, and Payment Type


When you add Stripe Checkout, its Payment Settings will automatically open. If not, click the Wand icon to open it.

Under the Additional Gateway Settings, you can set up a few options related to the integration. Please scroll below for the details.

Additional Gateway Settings of the Stripe Checkout integration with several options
  1. If you’ve selected Sell Products or Sell Subscriptions, click the Continue button to add your product or subscription items. Otherwise, click the Save button to complete the integration.

See also:

Setting up the Additional Gateway Settings

The Additional Gateway Settings in the Stripe Checkout integration contain additional options that you can set. Based on your chosen Payment Type, you’ll see a combination of the following:

  • Customer Email Field – The Customer Email Field maps an email address from your form and sends it to the Stripe Dashboard, particularly at the customer’s record.
  • Custom Data Field – You can send text field information to Stripe using the Custom Data Field. Check out our user guide on How to Send Custom Data to Stripe Payment for more information.
  • Show Total Price on the Form – Display the total price to the customer.
  • Users Can Select Multiple Products – This allows customers to buy multiple products from your online store. Toggle this to No if you want to limit customers to only one selection.
  • Charge Customer Immediately – This option is toggled to Yes by default, which means you immediately charge your customers. Toggle this to No if you want to charge customers at a later date. Check out our guide on How to Enable Payment Authorization to learn more.
  • Clickable Image Preview – Allow customers to click on an image and preview it.
  • Use Decimals – Use decimal points for prices.
  • Decimal Separator – You can select a point or comma. We’ve set this to hide when you disable Use Decimals.
  • Fetch Coupons from Stripe Account – When enabled, it will fetch and display all the coupons from the connected Stripe account. Please keep in mind that this overrides the current coupons created through Jotform. For more information, please visit our help guide on How to Fetch Coupon Codes From Stripe.
  • Fetch Subscriptions from Stripe Account – This option is displayed when you select Sell Subscriptions from the Payment Type. It will fetch your subscription items from your Stripe account.
  • Show Fetched Coupons from Stripe Account – Choose whether to display the coupons when you opt to Fetch Coupons from your Stripe account.
  • Send Receipt Email – We highly recommend enabling this so the integration will send the customer a copy of the receipt on each payment.
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