How to Change Form Fonts

December 7, 2023

Web-friendly fonts can easily supplement the readability and design of your web forms. However, you shouldn’t base your font choices solely on looks. It’s always a good idea to look into your user’s perspective.

At Jotform, we’ve searched and gathered the best web-friendly fonts for your forms, which you can apply through the Form Builder or the Advanced Designer. Changing the font is straightforward, but we’ve also linked a separate guide below if you wish to try custom or Google fonts.

Youtube Embed Poster: KhtgNxsnEck


The options below are available for Classic Forms only. Visit Cards or Classic: Which One Should I Use to learn a little more about the difference.

Changing the Font via the Form Designer

You can change the form’s fonts via the Form Designer in just a few clicks:

  1. In the form builder, click the Form Designer icon (paint roller).
Form Designer
  1. Go to the Styles tab.
  2. Look for the Font dropdown and choose your preferred font from the list.
Form Designer: Font
  1. The changes are automatically saved by the form builder.

Changing the Font via the Advanced Designer

You can access the Advanced Designer within the Form Designer panel:

  1. Open the Form Designer panel by following the same steps above.
  2. Click the Advanced Designer button.
Advanced Designer
  1. Next, expand the Font Options section in the Design tab.
  2. Choose your desired font from the list.
Font Options
  1. Click the Save button on the top-left side to apply the changes. If the changes are already saved, you should see the preview (eye) icon instead of the save icon.

If you are familiar with Google Fonts, you can also use them on your form. Check out our user guide on How to Use Google Fonts and Custom Fonts in Your Form for more details.

Don’t forget to comment about your experience with form fonts below!

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