Setting Up Your First Order Form

April 23, 2024

Jotform’s Order Forms allow you to sell single or multiple items, collect subscriptions, or get donations online. Powered by the most secured payment gateways, accepting customer payments is easier and more convenient.

Using Jotform’s intuitive drag-and-drop Form Builder, you can set up your first order form in just a few minutes of your time.

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Adding and Setting Up the Payment Element

For this example, we will use PayPal Personal to create the order form. However, this guide applies to all of our payment tools. There may be differences, but they are mostly related to connecting your account with the selected gateway. Let’s start!

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Search for PayPal Personal from the list and click it to add. You can also drag/drop it to the form.
PayPal Personal added in the Jotform Form Builder
  1. In the Payment Settings, you have some immediate settings. For PayPal Personal, you must set the following:
    • PayPal Account — This will be your registered Email Address with PayPal.
    • Currency — Select the currency based on the chosen gateway. PayPal Personal supports multiple currencies.
    • Payment Type — Most payment gateways support selling products or subscriptions. It will also allow you to accept user-defined amounts and collect donations.
Payment Settings panel of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder

Optionally, expand the Additional Gateway Settings section to see and set up the additional settings for the payment getaway. You’ll see it like this:

Additional Gateway Settings panel of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder

With PayPal Personal, you’ll find the following options:

  • Users Can Select Multiple Products — Select Yes if you want users to be able to select multiple products.
  • Show Total Price on the Form — Select Yes to show the total amount in the form.
  • Sandbox Mode — Select Yes to enable PayPal Sandbox. Visit How to Test your PayPal Payment Form to learn more.
  • Authorization Only — Enable this option if you want to collect orders and charge customers at a later date. To learn more about this feature, check this guide: How to Enable Payment Authorization.
  • Require Shipment Address — Toggle this if you’ll be shipping a product to the user or need an address for other purposes.
  • Checkout Language — Select the language to use on your checkout page.
  • IPN Relay URL — Allows you to send the IPN data from PayPal to your POST URL. For more information, please check the user guide: PayPal Incomplete Payments.
  • Pending Payment Email This option allows you to email customers who fail to submit their payment on time. Visit How to Set up an Incomplete Payment Notification Email for more details.
  • Clickable Image Preview — Enable this option to open product images in a lightbox window.
  • Use Decimals — Enabled by default. Select No if you don’t want to use decimals.
  • Decimal Separator — You can choose to use decimal points or commas.
  • Redirected PayPal Page Style — Enter your Page Style Name in this box. Please visit PayPal’s Custom Payment Pages to learn more about this.
  • Checkout Logo — Upload your custom logo on the checkout page. The image you upload will replace your email address or merchant ID.
  • Checkout Cart Color — Set a border color around the selected product items on the checkout page.
  1. Now, assuming you’ve chosen to sell products or subscriptions, click the Continue button to add your product/subscription items.

Adding and Setting up a Product Item

After setting up the payment settings, the Continue button will take you to the Products tab. Add and set up your product items as detailed below:

  1. Click the Create New Product button.
Create Product button of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder
  1. Set up your product item accordingly. In the Basic tab, you’ll have to provide the following:
    • Name
    • Price & Currency
    • Description
    • Image — You can upload multiple product images.
    • Auto Scale Images — Keep this enabled if your product images are not the same size. This option will automatically scale the images to display them correctly in the product image window.
    • Required — Enabling this will make the product uncheckable, which will always make it part of the total order.
    • Selected by Default — Enable this to select the product in the form by default. If the Required is not enabled, customers can uncheck the product item. If the Required option is enabled, this is automatically enabled, and you can’t toggle it.
Product Settings panel of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder
  1. Click the Save button at the bottom to save the product item. Here’s an example of a simple product setup:
Simple product setup in the Jotform Form Builder

Adding Quantity and Options to Your Products

If you’re selling a T-shirt, you can ask users to select a quantity, color, and size. To do this, you must add them through the Options tab of the Product Settings.

  1. On the Products tab, hover your mouse on the product you just added and click the Pencil icon to edit it.
Edit product of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder
  1. Go to the Options tab. There, you’ll find two options:
    • Add a Quantity Selector — To add a quantity selector or input.
    • Add a Product Option — Add product options such as Sizes, Colors, etc.
Quantity Selector and Product Option of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder

When adding a quantity, you can show it as a Dropdown or Textbox. Based on the chosen selector, you’ll find the following options

  • Label — You can leave it as it says or set your own.
  • Default Quantity — Shown when you select Textbox. Set 1 as the default or any default you want.
  • Range — Shown when you select Dropdown as the selector. The first box is the minimum, and the second one is for the maximum quantity.
  • Special Pricing Per Quantity — Enable this to offer fixed pricing based on the quantity. Visit How To Set Up the Special Pricing Option in the Payment Form for more details.
Quantity Selector settings of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder

When adding a product option, you can set the following:

  • Label — Set the label of the option you set.
  • Create Sub Products from Options — Sub Product means the variation of the Options you’ve added. Please visit our user guide on how to Create Sub-Products Based on a Product Option for more details.
  • Special Pricing Per Option — Set a different pricing for the options. Visit How to Set Up the Special Pricing Option in the Payment Form for more information.
  • Populate Options from Presets — Jotform has a present for the Color, T-Shirt Size, Print Size, Screen Resolution, and Shoe Size. Select one to populate the options automatically.
Product Option settings of the PayPal Personal integration in Jotform Form Builder

See also: How to Add Options to Payment Forms.

Here’s an example of a product item with the quantity selector and product options with sub-products and special pricing:

Product item setup with quantity, sub product and special pricing in the Jotform Form Builder

Enabling Stock Control

Stock control will help you manage the number if you offer limited products. You can set this up on each product item you add. Go to the Stock tab and toggle Enable Stock Control. Set the options accordingly:

  • Available Stock — This is the total quantity of products in your inventory. 
  • Enable Low Stock Alert — Toggle this option if you want to be notified if your inventory runs low.
  • Low Stock Value — Set the value to trigger the low stock alert.
Stock Control setting in the PayPal Personal integration of the Jotform Form Builder

See How to Enable and Manage Product Stock in Payment Fields for more details.

You can view our demo form here.

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