How to Create Multistep Approvals in Jotform Approvals

March 18, 2024

A multistep approval allows multiple approvers to review and decide on requests before the process can advance to the next stage. For instance, you might need HR approval first, followed by setup approvals from IT or other departments.

To create a multistep approval

  1. Starting with the Form element in Jotform Approvals, connect an Approval element.
The Approval element in Jotform Approvals
  1. Select the gear icon and configure your Approval. See How to Set Up an Approval Element for more information.
How to Create Multistep Approvals in Jotform Approvals Image-1
  1. From your Approval, create a flow for your outcome (e.g., Approve).
An Approve outcome in Jotform Approvals
  1. Connect and configure your second Approval.
How to Create Multistep Approvals in Jotform Approvals Image-2
  1. Repeat the process if needed and complete your approval flow at your discretion.
A multistep approval flow

Aside from the Approval element, you can also use Approve & Sign for your multistep approval. See How to Require a Signature in Jotform Approvals to learn more.

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