How to Integrate PayU Money With Jotform

July 17, 2024

PayU Money is India’s payment gateway that offers online payments with credit cards, debit cards, and net banking to merchants worldwide. PayU Money offers faster payments with the best success rates, giving customers a seamless checkout experience when completing transactions on your forms. Form respondents can choose from over 100 payment options anywhere, anytime.

Adding and Setting up PayU Money in the Form

You can add and set up PayU Money to your form by following these simple steps:

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button on the top-left side of the page.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Look for PayU and click it from the list. You can also drag and drop it into your form.
PayU Money integration in the Jotform Form Builder
  1. In the Payment Settings, provide and set up the following:
    • Merchant Key & Salt — Go to your PayU Money dashboard to get these. Visit Generate Merchant Key and Salt on PayU Dashboard for more details.
    • Currency — PayU Money only supports the Indian Rupee.
    • Payment Type — You can choose to Sell Products, Collect Donations, or a User Defined Amount. PayU Money does not support subscriptions.
Merchant Key, Merchant Salt, Currency, and Payment Type in the PayU Money integration settings

Pro Tip

You can open the Payment Settings panel by clicking the Wand Icon from the PayU Money gateway.

  1. If you’ve set up PayU Money to sell products, click the Continue button to add and set up your product items. If you’ve selected to allow user-defined amounts or collect donations, click the Save button to complete the integration.

If you’re selling products and want to add options or coupon codes, set up tax, or add a shipping cost, please check out the following user guides:

Additional Gateway Settings

When you toggle the Additional Gateway Settings, you’ll find the following additional options:

  • Ask Billing Information to Customer — When you enable this option, you can map specific address fields as your Billing and Shipping Addresses. You can also select fields such as the Billing Name, Customer Email Field, and Customer Phone Field. All these are sent to PayU Money for each transaction.
  • Sandbox Mode — Enable this if you wish to test the PayU without charging real cards.
  • Clickable Image Preview — This option makes your product/subscription images clickable.
  • Show Total Price on the Form — When enabled, this displays the Total amount payable by your customers at the bottom of the PayU Money field.
  • Users Can Select Multiple Products — When enabled, users can select multiple products on the PayU Money payment field.
  • Show Decimals on the Form — Product prices, subscription prices, and the total amount will show decimals up to two decimal places when you enable this option.
  • Decimal Separator — You can choose Point or Comma as the separator. This option is displayed only when Show Decimals is enabled.
Additional Gateway Settings in the PayU integration
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