How to Integrate Worldpay UK With Jotform

June 13, 2024

At no additional cost per transaction, Jotform brings UK’s leading payment provider as one of the many Payment Processing Apps you can add to your form to collect payments. Worldpay is the largest payment processing company in the UK, handling over 40 percent of all card transactions. With Worldpay UK’s payment integration, Jotform users can process payments in multiple currencies worldwide.


The Worldpay UK integration will only mark the payments made through your form as Authorised under your Worldpay UK account. To complete the transactions, you must manually capture these payments. Please scroll below for the steps to capture the transactions.

Adding and Setting up Worldpay UK Payment Gateway

Here’s how you can add and set up Worldpay UK in the form:

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button at the upper-left side of the page.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Click or drag and drop Worldpay UK from the list to add it to your form. Once added, you will see it labeled as My Products in the form.
Jotform Form Builder showing the steps to click on Add Form Element button, Payments tab, and Worldpay UK payment gateway
  1. In the Payment Settings, provide and set up the following options respectively:
    • Installation ID
    • Payment Response URL — Please visit Getting the Installation ID and Enabling Payment Response URL for Worldpay UK for more details.
    • Currency — Worldpay UK supports multiple currencies. The default is USD.
    • Test Mode — Toggle this to On to test the integration without using real cards. Worldpay provides Test Card Numbers that you can use for different scenarios and test outcomes.
    • Payment Type — Worldpay UK supports all payment types: Sell Products, Sell Subscriptions, Collect Donations, and User Defined Amounts.
Payment Settings of the Worldpay UK Integration showing the Installation ID


You can open the Payment Settings by clicking the Wand icon on the left side of the Worldpay UK gateway.

  1. Once you set up everything from the Payment Settings, click the Continue button at the bottom to add your products or subscription items. If you have chosen the User Defined Amount or Collect Donation options, click the Save button to finish the setup.

See also:

Additional Gateway Settings

When you open the Additional Gateway Settings, you’ll find the following additional options:

  • Show Total on the Form — When enabled, this displays the Total amount payable by your customers at the bottom of the Worldpay UK field.
  • Users Can Select Multiple Products — When enabled, users can select multiple products from your Worldpay UK payment field.
  • Pending Payment Email — Enable this option to receive a notification email for every authorized transaction through your Worldpay UK integration. Check out this guide to see the complete details about this feature.
  • Clickable Image Preview — This option makes your product/subscription images clickable.
  • Use Decimals — The product prices, subscription prices, and the total amount will display up to two decimal places when you enable this option.
  • Decimal Separator — You can choose a point or comma as the separator. This option is displayed only when Use Decimal is enabled.
Additional Gateway Settings of the Worldpay UK integration showing various options

Submitting and Processing Payment with Worldpay UK

Worldpay UK is an off-page payment gateway, which means your form respondents will need to submit the form to process their payment on another page. After authorizing the payment, the page will take them back to the form’s thank you page. Here’s a short GIF of that process:

Capturing Transactions through Worldpay UK Dashboard

As noted above, Worldpay UK marked payments in the form as Authorised. Here’s how to capture the payments and complete the transactions:

  1. In your Worldpay UK dashboard, go to the Transactions section.
  2. Click the transaction from your form marked as Authorised.
Transactions section of the Worldpay UK dashboard showing Authorised and Captured payments
  1. Scroll down a bit and click the Capture Transaction button.
View of a single transaction from Worldpay UK dashboard with button to complete a transaction
  1. Confirm it by clicking the same Capture Transaction button at the popup. At this stage, the page will reload and change the transaction’s Current Status from Authorised to Captured, which means it is complete. Visit Capture a Transaction for more details.
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