How to Integrate Jotform with Salesforce

March 14, 2024

Jotform allows you to create great looking and flexible lead generation forms and contact forms, while Salesforce CRM software allows you to track and send leads to team members. Integrating your Jotform form data with your Salesforce database and creating Salesforce forms enables you to quickly capture more leads and speed up your sales process.

If you’re looking to stay within Salesforce and use Jotform, check out our listing on Salesforce AppExchange. If you add Jotform from Salesforce AppExchange, you’ll have a Salesforce button right there on your forms, so you can map object fields to form fields in a matter of seconds.

Youtube Embed Poster: gceGEKo4Coc

To integrate Jotform with Salesforce, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Form Builder, click Settings.
  2. Click the Integrations tab.
  3. Search for Salesforce, and click it.
Integrations Tab under Settings in the Jotform Form Builder Searching for Salesforce
  1. Click the Authenticate button to link your Salesforce account. If you have already linked your Salesforce account, you can select it from the dropdown.
Authenticating Salesforce Account in the Jotform Form Builder
  1. Once you’ve connected your account, choose one of the following actions: Create or update a record or Find a record.
  2. Select an object from the list. All standard and custom Salesforce objects are supported in the integration. 
  3. Map your form fields to the data fields from your choosen Salesforce object.
Mapping Form Fields to the Data Fields from Choosen Salesforce Object
  1. You also have the option to Update if an existing record is found. Check the box and map your form fields as your criteria for updating a record. Read more about duplicating checking through the following links:
  1. Once done, click the Save Action button to save this type of action.
Salesforce Integration Settings Page Clicking on Save Action
  1. Click the Save Integration button. 
Salesforce Integration Settings Page Clicking on Save Integration After Creating an Action
  1. Click the Finish button, and you’re done. Your form data will be sent to Salesforce every time your form is submitted.
Salesforce Integration Page Clicking on Finish Button

Check the following guide for Mastering Salesforce with Jotform.

Have you given it a try? Tell us what you think in the comments below. 

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