How to Rename Columns in Jotform Tables

January 16, 2025

In Jotform Tables, the column headings in your table represent the labels of the fields on the connected form. In some cases, you may find it helpful to rename these columns to something descriptive and meaningful to easily interpret datasets.

Follow these steps to rename a column in your table:

  1. In Jotform Tables, double-click on a column name to start typing a new one.
Edit name of column heading in Jotform Tables
  1. Once you’re done, press Enter or click anywhere outside the column name to save your changes.
Updated column heading name in Jotform Tables


  • Renaming a column doesn’t change the field label on the form linked to your table.
  • Any updates to the column name save automatically.
  • If the page hasn’t been reloaded, press CTRL+Z to undo a column name change.
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