Créez des sondages pour vos élèves et étudiants

Facilitez le vote en classe grâce aux sondages étudiants de Jotform. Créez des sondages personnalisés pour vos élèves en quelques clics seulement. Augmentez l'engagement de vos élèves, recueillez des commentaires et analysez les résultats avec un seul outil. Évaluez ce qui compte le plus pour vos élèves afin de les placer sur la voie de la réussite.


Découvrez les modèles de sondages étudiants

Not sure where to start? Simply choose one of our free, ready-made student poll templates to get started. Customize it to fit your needs with our easy-to-use form builder and share it with your students — it’s that easy!

Sondage à propos des cours

Template class-poll-private-4
Template class-poll-private-4


Template vote-exam-date-private-2
Template vote-exam-date-private-2

Feedback sur séance d'enseignement

Template teaching-session-feedback-private-8
Template teaching-session-feedback-private-8


Sondages étudiants

Interface conviviale et intuitive

Customize your student poll or survey to match your exact needs. Use our drag-and-drop interface to easily add form elements, integrate with useful tools, change fonts and colors, and more. Create and share with students in just a few clicks.

Collectez et gérez les réponses

Make your student polls anonymous to encourage openness and thoughtful communication. Plus, once your students submit their poll responses, you can manage and view responses seamlessly from Jotform Tables.

Des sondages pour tout type d'appareils

Let your students vote from their smartphones, tablets, or personal computers. Share your Jotform student polls via direct link, QR code, or by embedding your poll into your school’s online student portal for easy access.

Des résultats en temps réels

Get instant feedback and increase student participation using Jotform’s student polls. As soon as students submit their responses, you can view and manage the responses in Jotform Tables. Increase engagement with your lectures by showing real-time poll results.

Créez des rapports avec Jotform

Transform your poll results into fun reports and graphs with Jotform Report Builder. Easily visualize and analyze your data, and share it with your students.


Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de Jotform

Jotform has single handedly changed the culture, efficiency, and productivity of our department. We use it for everything from event scheduling, syllabi gathering, teaching preferences, student visit itineraries, polls, and more. We love the beautiful, easy-to-use interface, and our end-users (students, faculty, and staff) find it very user-friendly. I love being able to use Jotform to gather large amounts of data and then sort it however I see fit.

Laura E Donaldson, Assistante de direction programme de 1er cycle et conseillère académique, Carnegie Mellon University

Comment créer votre propre sondage


Questions fréquemment posées

Toutes les réponses à vos questions sur Jotform. Consultez notre FAQ pour obtenir des réponses aux questions courantes ou contactez notre équipe d'assistance si vous désirez plus d'informations.

Votre recherche "[searchValue]" ne correspond à aucun résultat.

Qu'est-ce qu'un sondage étudiant ?

A student poll is a type of poll or survey that aims to collect honest opinions and information from students about classroom matters, curriculum, school events, and other school-related topics. Student polls can be created by teachers, students, school administrators, and other staff. Student polls are a great way to gauge your students’ opinions about school matters.

Comment créer des sondages étudiants ?

To create your own custom student poll, open your Jotform account and click Create Form. You can either choose one of our ready-made form templates or select Start From Scratch to begin the creation process. If you choose one of our templates, you can customize it to fit your needs with our drag-and-drop poll builder. Change fonts and colors, upload images, and more.

If you want to create your poll from scratch, select Start From Scratch instead of picking a template, and choose your desired form layout — either Classic Form or Card Form depending on what type of look you want for your poll. Once you’re in the Form Builder, open the Form Elements bar on the left side of your screen. Browse the elements, and then drag and drop the ones you need into your custom poll. Some popular elements for your form include multiple-choice questions, single-choice questions, or star and scale rating questions.

After you’ve added the questions you’d like to include in your student poll, go to JotPoll. JotPoll is a useful integration that allows your poll respondents to see their poll results in a sleek chart format.

To use JotPoll, select your new form in JotPoll and click Generate URL. Copy that generated link and then return to your new poll on Jotform. Click Settings, Thank You Page, and then the button that says Redirect to an external link after submission. Insert the link that you copied from JotPoll, and you should be all set.

If you’d like to share only the results of your student poll and not the poll itself, all you have to do is share that generated link from JotPoll with your audience instead of linking to it in your Thank You page.

Pourquoi vous devriez utiliser des sondages en classe ?

Les sondages auprès des élèves sont un excellent moyen d'augmenter l'engagement en classe tout en stimulant la créativité et la curiosité concernant le programme du cours et les activités générales des élèves.

Creating fun and educational classroom polls — test or pop quiz style — can encourage active learning and foster positive interactions between students both inside and outside of the classroom.

Test your students’ knowledge with a fun poll that can double as a game! Some students might jump at the idea of taking their phones out for a class activity, and that could make the assignment more memorable for them. Or you could share with your students in real-time how the class as a whole feels about an assignment or topic.

Additionally, by creating student polls that allow respondents to remain anonymous, you as a professor or teacher will gain more honest insight into what your students are thinking. Anonymous polls encourage openness, promote healthy communication, and allow your students to freely express their opinions without being punished for them.

Using interactive activities like polls in your classroom can increase student engagement, promote a fun learning style, and help with general curriculum feedback. There’s no reason not to use polls!

Quels sont les différents types de sondages étudiants ?

Il existe de nombreux types de sondages étudiants, étant donné le nombre de scénarios dans lesquels vous pouvez les utiliser. Par exemple, vous pouvez créer les types de sondages étudiants suivants pour votre école :

  • Sondages pour vote du représentant des élèves
  • Sondages anonymes pour feedback sur les cours
  • Sondages pour feedback anonyme des instructeurs
  • Sondages pour enquête étudiant
  • Sondages pour pop quiz
  • Sondages pour réunion parent-prof
  • Sondages pour date d'examen
  • Sondages pour projet en classe
  • Sondages pour cours de danse

Comment utiliser les sondages en classe ?

Les sondages sont la solution idéale pour de nombreuses activités en classe, ils sont utiles à la fois pour les enseignants et pour les élèves.

Teachers can use polls in their classes for a wide variety of activities and lessons. For learning purposes, teachers can use polls to create in-class quizzes or tests that students can take on their mobile, tablet, or desktop devices.

Teachers can also use polls to plan testing days by polling their students on the best date and time to schedule a final exam or quiz. This is especially beneficial if some of your students will be missing a test to participate in an afternoon sporting or academic event.

In addition, teachers can use polls to ask their students what they like about their class and what they think could be done better. Polls are a great way to get an idea of how to change up classroom dynamics and course materials to facilitate more effective learning. Ask your students what kind of learner they are (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) or what course material they want to review before an upcoming exam.

Teachers aren’t the only ones who benefit from using polls. Students can also use polls in the classroom. Your students can create class projects or presentations that include polls, build stronger relationships by collaborating with their peers, and more!

Teaching students how to use polls effectively also teaches them how to take initiative, lead a group activity, and build meaningful future projects. And polls are a great way for students to learn about the voting process and how it affects them and their classmates.

Quelles sont les bonnes questions à poser dans les sondages étudiants ?

Les types de questions à poser dans les sondages étudiants peuvent varier selon les objectifs et le thème de votre enquête. Voici quelques questions générales que vous pouvez poser à vos élèves pour divers types de sondages :

  • Notez le programme de cours de cette année.
  • Notez la performance de votre instructeur.
  • Le support de cours vous a-t-il paru difficile à utiliser ?
  • Qu'est-ce qui aurait pu être amélioré ?
  • Qu'avez-vous préféré dans cette leçon/ce cours ?
  • Avez-vous des suggestions quant aux programmes de cours pour l'avenir ?

Comment sonder l'opinion de mes élèves ?

Sonder vos élèves, c'est facile ! Commencez par créer votre propre sondage étudiant personnalisé avec Jotform. Ouvrez votre compte Jotform et sélectionnez Créer un formulaire. Choisissez l'un de nos modèles de formulaires prêts à l'emploi ou sélectionnez Partir de zéro pour commencer le processus de création. Si vous choisissez l'un de nos modèles, vous pouvez le personnaliser en fonction de vos besoins grâce à notre générateur de sondages par glisser-déposer. Modifiez les polices et les couleurs, importez des photos, et bien plus encore.

Once you’re satisfied with your questions and the design of your student poll, you can send it to your students to fill out. Share your custom poll by copying and pasting a direct link, sending a QR code, or embedding your poll directly in your students’ online portal — accessible from any mobile, tablet, or desktop computer.