How to receive payment from multiple payment method

  • moustaph9998
    Demandé le 28 septembre 2023 à 09:18

    Je souhaite intégré un moyen de payement sur mon Appli, mais tous les moyens de payement que vous proposez ne sont pas disponible dans notre pays. Pouvez vous m'aider à trouver une bonne solution ?

  • Rayzel Jotform Support
    Répondu le 28 septembre 2023 à 11:58

    Hi Moussa,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. I understand that you want to be able to integrate a payment method into your App and also give the option to pay cash on delivery. Can you please tell us what payment method are you looking for? We do have several payment integrations that can be used but in order to add the option for Cash on Delivery, you will have to create a basic multiple payment form to cater to this requirement but it is quite complex. Let me walk you through it:

    You will need a total of 3 forms.

    Step 1: Build the Main Form

    1. In Form Builder, add a Single Choice element and label it as “Payment Method”.

    This will serve as the option for the users to choose what payment method they prefer. You could use other fields, although we only want users to choose one type of payment method, so you can choose either a radio button or a dropdown.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 1 Screenshot 100

    2. We will then add iFrame Embed widgets where the payment forms Paypal Form, and Purchase Order Form will be embedded or loaded.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 2 Screenshot 111

    We will leave the main form with that for now.

    Step 2: Set Up the First Payment Form (Paypal)

    We’ll create a new form and set up a PayPal payment gateway.

    1. Under the Payments tab, choose Paypal Business and add it to your form.

    2. Authenticate with your Paypal Business account to set it up.

    3. Set up the products that you need.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 3 Screenshot 122

    Step 3: Set Up the Second Payment Form (Purchase Order - Cash on Delivery)

    Just like in step 2, we will create another payment form. This time we will use Purchase Order as the payment gateway.

    How to create a form with multiple payment methods? Image 5 Screenshot 204 Screenshot 94 Screenshot 133

    The Purchase Order payment gateway is not integrated with any third-party payment services. This is usually used if you want your users to pay via wire transfer or deposit in your bank account. You can use a Paragraph element to instruct the users where to send the payments. 

    1. In this form, you will be adding the necessary fields for the Cash on Delivery option and its Products. Maybe add the Paragraph element for Cash instructions.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 4 Screenshot 144

    Step 4: Get the URL of the Payment Forms

    The form URL can be found in the Form Builder’s Publish tab.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 5 Screenshot 155

    Step 5: Embed the Payment Forms in the Main Form

    Now go back to the main form and set the URLs for each of the iFrame Embed widgets.

    1. Open the Widget Settings panel by clicking on the widget’s wand icon.

    2. Paste the PayPal Form’s URL in the Frame URL field.

    3. Click on Update Widget.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 6 Screenshot 166

    Do the same on the other widget Purchase Order (Cash on Delivery) Form.

    Step 7: Set up the Conditions

    We only want to display the payment form depending on the choice the user made on the radio button. To do that, we will use the Show/Hide Field condition. If you need to dive deeper into this topic, here’s a guide on “How to Show or Hide Fields Based on User’s Answer”.

    1. Click Settings at the top then Conditions on the left. Here, you can create a Show/Hide Field condition.

    How to create a form with multiple payment methods? Image 11 Screenshot 2610 Screenshot 1510 Screenshot 177

    2. Now create two conditions that will show the specific Iframe Embed widget based on the selected payment method:

    • If the Payment Method is equal to “Paypal”, then show the Paypal iFrame.

    How to add multiple payment integration in form? Image 3 Screenshot 1712 Screenshot 188

    • If the Payment Method is equal to “Cash on Delivery", then show the Cash on Delivery iFrame.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 7 Screenshot 199

    You now have forms that allow you to have multiple payment options. Please take note tremove the submit button from your main form. The users will submit the entries from one of the payment forms.

    You can see how my main form works on this link and clone it. Please see the results below:

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 8 Screenshot 2010

    You can now add the Multiple Payment form in your app as a payment selector. Here's how:

    1. In App Builder, click on the Add Element menu.

    2. Select the Form element and choose the Multiple Payment Form.

    After adding the form, you can now use the Multiple Payment form to select Cash on Delivery options.

    How to receive payment from multiple payment method Image 9 Screenshot 2111

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.

  • moustaph9998
    Répondu le 28 septembre 2023 à 13:26

    Je suis impressionné par la pertinence de votre réponse. Mais c'est vraiment complexe pour moi.

    En effet j'ai ma banque qui me permet de recevoir des paiement des mobiles money à partir d'un QR code alors je voulais l'intégré dans mon moyen de payement
    et proposer aussi le moyens de paiement: payez cash à la livraison.
  • Rhina Jotform Support
    Répondu le 28 septembre 2023 à 16:09

    Hi Moussa,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, as the feature to use multiple payment method on one form is not currently a direct feature you would need to follow the steps provided by my colleague and use an iFrame code to reflect a second form for your second payment method. As for receiving payments using the QR code, I moved the question on another thread to avoid confusion. You can access checkout thread here.

    Reach out again if there's anything else we can help you with.