Impossibilité pour les clients de payer

  • EcoledemusiqueSuzieAuclair
    Demandé le 8 septembre 2023 à 00:47


    depuis cet après-midi il est impossible pour nos clients de payer..

    since this afternoon it has been impossible for our customers to pay when they fill the form...

  • Ryan Jotform Support
    Répondu le 8 septembre 2023 à 01:39

    Hi EcoledemusiqueSuzieAuclair, 

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I’m really sorry that this is happening. There seems to be an issue directly from the Square payment as it is stated on their status that they have encountered a problem. You can check their status on this page.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.