filtrer les options

  • samylastmann
    Demandé le 1 septembre 2023 à 04:30


    Je suis sur le formulaire V3

    J'ai 2 champs liste dans mon formulaire.

    Je dois afficher/masquer des options d'une liste en fonction du premier choix.

    Comment faire ?


  • Gilbert Jotform Support
    Répondu le 1 septembre 2023 à 10:18

    Hi samylastmann,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Unfortunately, our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. There are two options you can use for this:

    1st option, you can use conditional logic to show another field based on the user's answer. Please take note that you cannot conditionally show a dropdown field's options. Each option you set there is fixed so for this method, you'll create multiple dropdown fields that contain the options you want to show based on the answer from the 1st dropdown field.

    filtrer les options Image 1 Screenshot 40

    Then, you can create a conditional logic to show the corresponding Sub topic field based on the selected option from the Topic field. Here's a sample screenshot of what the conditions would look like:

    filtrer les options Image 2 Screenshot 51

    And here's how it would work in the form:

    filtrer les options Image 3 Screenshot 62

    The 2nd option would be to simply use our Dynamic Dropdown widget. Our free Dynamic Dropdown widget adds a dropdown menu that changes based on previous answers chosen. You can follow the steps below on how you can set up the Dynamic Dropdown widget on your form:

    1. In the Form Builder, select Add Form Element in the upper-left corner.

    2. In the left pane, go to Widgets at the top.

    3. Search and select Dynamic Dropdowns to add it to your form.

    Steps to add Dynamic Dropdowns in Jotform Form Builder Screenshot 73

    4. Next, select the widget’s wand icon to open settings.

    5. In the settings pane on the right, set up your dropdown options in the Values field.

    Steps to add Dynamic Dropdowns values in Jotform Form Builder Screenshot 84

    Nesting or indenting the options with spaces creates a parent-child relationship between dropdown lists.

    Here’s an example:

     With legs
     Without legs

    To break that down, the top-level options are


    To create choices for “Vertebrates,” add a new line under it and list the options, each with one leading space.


    To create choices for the 2nd-level “Warm-blooded” option, add a new line under it then list the choices, each with two leading spaces.


    And so on. See what it looks like in this demo form.


    • Setting up the list and nestings using a text editor like Notepad is recommended.
    • Include dot (.) as one of the choices in a set to initially display an empty “Please select” option for that set.
    • Append asterisk (*) to a parent option to make its children required.
    • The Values field has a 65000 character limit.
    • The longer the list, the slower the widget becomes.

    Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.