Do you have a benchmark to make comparisons to your software?

  • Stenicka Owouba
    Demandé le 25 août 2023 à 10:51
    - Est-ce qu'il y a un benchmark ? Pour faire des comparaisons à votre logiciel directement 
  • Gilbert Jotform Support
    Répondu le 25 août 2023 à 11:10

    Hi Stenicka,

    About your question if we have a benchmark, can you explain a bit more about what you're referring to? Are you referring to a benchmark with other platforms that offer the same form-building service? If so, unfortunately, we don't have a benchmark or a comparison page for this. You can freely search the internet as there might be sites that offer comparisons between Jotform and another platform.

    But if I misunderstood what you meant and you're referring to something else, please give us more details about it so we can help you properly.