How to send an email with the attachment

  • prismetattoo
    Demandé le 7 août 2023 à 16:28


    Je souhaite faire une fiche de renseignement pour le tatouage.
    une fois remplis, j'aimerai que le client reçois un mail avec des pièces jointes.

    Aurais-je un lien QR. code du formulaire ?
    Est ce possible ? quel abonnement ?

  • Marlon_T Jotform Support
    Répondu le 7 août 2023 à 22:24

    Hi prismetattoo,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Unfortunately, our Fench Support agents are currently busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to assist you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd prefer to receive support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    There's no restriction on what type of account you have if you want to send an email to your user after filling out the form. It's easy to create an autoresponder email. Let me show you how to set that up:

    • IForm Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
    • In the menu on the left side of the page, click on Emails.
    • Now, click on Add an Email.
    • Next, select Autoresponder Email.
    • Customize the options the way you want them and you’re done.

    ​​ How to send an email with the attachment Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Now, your customers will get an Autoresponder Email after they fill out your form. If you want to add an attachment, you need to enable the Attach PDF under the advanced tab of your Autoresponder email. You also have the option to Attach a File.

    How to send an email with the attachment Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Regarding your question about the QR code, are you trying to generate a QR code upon form submission? If that's what you'd like to achieve, I need to move your question to another thread to avoid confusion. You can click here to check that out.

    Reach out again if there’s anything else we can help you with.

  • prismetattoo
    Répondu le 8 août 2023 à 07:05
    Thank you for your response but i don't have the same interface.
    I have this, why ?
    Thank you
    Belle journée ☀️
    Le mar. 8 août 2023 à 04:24, Jotform <noreply> a écrit :
  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 8 août 2023 à 09:17

    Bonjour prismetattoo,

    Merci de contacter l'assistance Jotform. Il semble que vous avez voulu joindre une copie d'écran qui n'est pas arrivée jusqu'ici. Pour poster une copie d'écran, veuillez consulter ce guide: How to Post Screenshots to Our Support Forum.

    Aussi, si vous débutez avec Jotform, je vous suggèrerai volontier de débuter depuis un navigateur web si tel n'est pas déjà le cas.

    Dès que nous en saurons plus, nous serons plus en mesure de vous aider.

  • prismetattoo
    Répondu le 9 août 2023 à 04:35
    Voici ci joint le screenshot.
    Je n'ai pas la même interface que vous.
    Je n'ai que :
    rien de plus, pourquoi ?
    Belle journée ☀️
    Le mar. 8 août 2023 à 15:17, Jotform <noreply> a écrit :
  • Chris_L Jotform Support
    Répondu le 9 août 2023 à 08:34

    Hi prismetattoo,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Unfortunately, we didn't get the screenshot. Check out this guide about how to send a screenshot to our Support Forum.

    In the meantime, please let me reiterate the steps provided by my colleague Marlon. Let's do it:

    1. In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
    2. Click on Emails in the menu on the left side of the page.
    3. Next, click on Add an Email.
      How to send an email with the attachment Image 1 Screenshot 40
    4. Select Autoresponder Email.
      How to send an email with the attachment Image 2 Screenshot 51
    5. Under the Advanced tab, you’ll see a field labeled Attach a File that allows you to upload an attachment.
    6. Upload your attachment and click Save.
      How to send an email with the attachment Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.

  • prismetattoo
    Répondu le 10 août 2023 à 09:50
    ok thank you for the information.
    But for the form builder ORANGE, i need to pay ? because i have a form
    builder GREEN.
    thank you
    Belle journée ☀️
    Le mer. 9 août 2023 à 14:34, Jotform <noreply> a écrit :
  • Marlon_T Jotform Support
    Répondu le 10 août 2023 à 10:17

    Hi prismetattoo,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can you send a screenshot of your form builder? I'm not sure why is it green on your end. The Form Builder should be orange. Here's an example:

    How to send an email with the attachment Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 10 août 2023 à 11:15

    Hi prismetattoo,

    If you see a green bar at the top of your Jotform page, I assume you are seeing the Tables page related to some of your forms. This page represents the table of the submissions related to your form.

    From this page I presume you are mentioning, let me show you how to reach the Form Builder, which is represented by the orange bar.

    1. Click on the Tables button at the top of the page, just at the right of the Jotform logo at the top-left corner.
    2. Once the popup menu appears, click on the View Form icon to open the form in the Form Builder.
    3. If want to display the list of all your forms from the Form Builder, just click on the Jotform logo.How to send an email with the attachment Image 1 Screenshot 20

    That's it. Once done, you reach the Form Builder and you might be able to follow the steps described by my colleagues.

    Kindly note that the color of the bar depends on the feature you are actually using in Jotform. The Orange bar is for the Form Builder, the green bar for submissions Tables, the Blue bar for PDF Editor, dark green for Approval processes, and so on. You can access ti these views from the menu described in the step 2 above.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.