Using Jotform API

  • philippecoste
    Demandé le 19 juillet 2023 à 06:57
    Intégration avec mopn app dev en perso

    Jotform pourra POST les nouveaux formulaire sur mon CRM developé par nos équipes





    Environment Slug

  • Afzal Jotform Support
    Répondu le 20 juillet 2023 à 16:02

    Hi Philippe,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I want to let you know that I'm using a translation tool to assist, but if you would prefer to get assistance in French, we can forward your ticket to our French team. However, please note that it could take longer to receive a response.

    You want to integrate Jotform with your personal app development so that Jotform can post the new forms on your CRM developed by your teams. This is possible by using Jotform’s API and webhooks, which allow you to connect Jotform to your app and send form data notifications to a third-party app.

    To use Jotform’s API, you need to create a Jotform API key from your account settings. You can then authenticate your API key with query parameters, HTTP headers, or Jotform’s JavaScript SDK. You can find more details and examples on how to use Jotform’s API here.

    To use Jotform’s webhooks, specify a URL where you want to receive the form submission notifications. You can set up webhooks for your forms by following the steps in this guide.

    Using Jotform’s API and webhooks, you can create custom integration with your app and CRM. You can also check out some of the existing integrations that Jotform offers with other apps and platforms.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.