Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form

  • amaillard
    Demandé le 4 juillet 2023 à 06:31


    Notre formulaire fonctionnait parfaitement bien jusqu'à maintenant. Cependant nous venons de remarquer qu'il y avait beaucoup de problèmes...

    Nous ne comprenons pas pourquoi cela ne fonctionne plus correctement alors que nous n'avons pas fait de modifications significatives. 

    Dès le début du formulaire de contact, toutes les conditions s'affichent d'un coup alors que ce n'est pas ce que l'on souhaite.

    Sauriez-vous nous expliquer ce qui se passe s'il vous plait et comment peut-on régler le soucis ?

    Merci beaucoup, 


  • Shirized Jotform Support
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 08:42

    Hi Alexandra,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'm sorry this is happening. Unfortunately, our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    As for your concern, can you give us more information on what issue you're encountering on your form? If you can take a screenshot of what’s happening, that will help us to better understand what’s going on. We have a guide about how to do that here. Also, when I tested your form, everything worked the way it was supposed to. Check out the screencast below to see my results:

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Can you try clearing your browser's cache to see if the issue persists?  If you're still having the same issue, we'll do a more in-depth investigation and work on finding a solution.

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help. 

  • amaillard
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 09:08


    Thank you for your reply. The video you sent shows that our form doesn't work the way we want it to.

    When you select "Consommateur", you should only see the drop-down menu with the Motif* to choose from.

    However, it displays absolutely everything....

    And it's the same for all the other "Je vous contacte en tant que*". 

    Normally, once the first condition is chosen, a drop-down menu is displayed to choose the Motif*, but now everything is displayed a bit randomly as soon as "Je vous contacte en tant que*" is filled in...

    Normally it should look like this (old screen) : 

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Thank you,


  • Shirized Jotform Support
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 09:35

    Hi Alexandra,

    Thanks for getting back to us with additional details. I went ahead and checked your form I noticed that you have manually hidden the fields under the field's properties while creating Show/Hide conditions to hide specific fields which causes the conditions to not work and conflict. Can you try to manually unhide all the fields under the field's properties if the issue persists?

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • amaillard
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 09:49


    I have unhide all the conditions as you told me but it doesn't change anything, everything always appears at once when "Je vous contacte en tant que" is selected...

  • Shirized Jotform Support
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 10:59

    Hi Alexandra,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I went ahead and checked your form and I can see that some of the fields are deleted which causes the conditions not to work. I suggest modifying your condition to fix this.

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 40

    Also, I made some adjustments to your conditions. Take a look at the screenshot below:

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 2 Screenshot 51

    Based on your screenshot, once Je vous contacte en tant que is equal to Consommateur, it should only see the drop-down menu with the Motif field.

    Here's the result:

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Here's my demo form. You can clone it and test how it works when you select Consommateur and Motif.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • amaillard
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 12:00

    Thanks, I've managed to display only the "Consommateur" drop-down menu.

    But the form was perfectly set up until then. 

    Now I realize that everything I had set several weeks ago has been changed without any action on our part.

    That's twice now that our form has stopped working in this way for no reason and without any action on our part. We'd like to understand what's going on, because we're having to go back to the drawing board and re-set everything when it was working properly.

    Thank you,


  • Shirized Jotform Support
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 12:16

    Hi Alexandra,

    Thanks for getting back to us. We're sorry if you're having trouble with this. I cloned your form and tested it to see if I could replicate the issue, but everything was working properly. Check out the screenshot below to see my results:

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Can you give it another try and let us know what happens? Also, is the form embedded on a website? If so, can you share with us the page URL where the form is embedded so we can check it?

    As soon as we hear back from you, we can move forward with a solution.

  • amaillard
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 12:23

    No, everything isn't working properly and the problem is that the conditions have been changed without any action on our part and this has happened twice now and we don't understand why.

    For example, here, everything appears even though it's not what we wanted and what we had programmed in the conditions : 

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    We had programmed this part perfectly so that only text was displayed, but this is no longer the case, even though we haven't changed anything on our side. 

    ps: I've fixed the problem in my example, but this problem is found throughout the form.

    URL :

  • Mianala
    Répondu le 4 juillet 2023 à 14:32

    Hi Sonia,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I have checked out your form but I could not encounter any problems. You may take a look at how the form works on my end on this screencast:

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    If I missed something, please let me know so that we can check the form again. In case you notice a batch of conditions don't work as expected, please inform us about it. Of course you can try removing them and re-create the conditions.

    I recommend not cloning any condition when you try to remove and create them again. Please try to create ones from scratch instead to avoid any related issues.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • amaillard
    Répondu le 5 juillet 2023 à 03:55


    You don't see any problem because (luckily) you're looking at the conditions I've just modified and fixed.

    The big problem: our form crashes and breaks by itself and I have to fix it all over again. How can it be that conditions change by themselves when everything was absolutely OK ?

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Here everything was working properly, now it's all showing up when I don't want it to! I know how to solve the problem, but the problem is that I've never modified these conditions and it's not normal for our form to be in this state.

  • Mianala
    Répondu le 5 juillet 2023 à 04:46

    Hi Sonia,

    Thanks for reaching out back with confirmation. It seems that the issues occur only on the web page. When the form is embedded, some conditions do not work properly. Could you confirm that at your end.

    Some conditions do not work properly with embedded form Image 1 Screenshot 20

    So, please re-embed the form using iframe code and see if the conditions still did not work.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • amaillard
    Répondu le 5 juillet 2023 à 04:55

    I've fixed everything and it all works now. 

    The problem : why did our form break and why were the conditions changed without us touching anything?

  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 5 juillet 2023 à 05:29

    Hi Sonia,

    We are sorry for these disapointements and we are please you finally fix it. As my collegue Maniala has noted, the issues occured only on the web page, when the form was embedded, some conditions did not work properly and you finally fix it as she suggested.

    I don't know why the conditions you defined in your form changed. It could happen when you edit your form which is quite long with numerous conditions, for instance as soon as you change a field a conditional logic attached to the field automatically detects an error, as the one shown in your screenshot in red.

    It can also help sometimes to clean the cache of your account.

    Anyway, be sure that our servers are strong enough to keep safe the form in the state you let them. Our teams never touch them without your permission.

    If this issue will happen again, please tell us and we will escalate it.

  • amaillard
    Répondu le 5 juillet 2023 à 08:54

    Thank you for your comprehensive reply. We will not hesitate to come back to you if the problem arises again.

    Thank you again for all your answers and your speed.


  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 5 juillet 2023 à 09:07

    You welcome.