
  • Facon
    Demandé le 14 mai 2023 à 13:04

    Bonjour voilà ce que j'ai reçu soit disant pour vinted

    En cliquant sur ce lien on me demande toutes les infos de ma carte bleue


    Jotform Thread 5155159 Screenshot
  • FrankG_translator
    Répondu le 14 mai 2023 à 13:46

    Hi Facon,

    Our French support isn't available at the moment. I will answer your question in English. If you prefer to receive support in your native language, please get back to us, and we will ask our French support team to answer your question when they are available again.​

    Thanks for reporting this matter to us and helping us to keep Jotform safe. We understand how upsetting things like this can be, and we take your security and privacy very seriously. 

    We want to assure you that Jotform is not participating in this conduct. We supply a Form Builder, and unfortunately, some parties may use the forms for wrongful purposes.

    After looking into this, we determined that the form creator violated our terms of use. So, we immediately suspended the account, the account owner, as well as any forms and apps connected to it. However, please keep in mind that although the form owner has no access to the form or data at Jotform now, they might have received your submission information if they enabled the Notification Email feature. 

    Please feel free to reach out again if you have any questions or if we can help you in any other way.