What is upload space?

  • lapetitetattoo
    Demandé le 12 mai 2023 à 11:58

    Original Title: qu'est-ce que l'espace de téléversement?

  • lapetitetattoo
    Répondu le 12 mai 2023 à 11:59

    what is the upload space? And how can I delete what is taking that space?

  • Rayzel Jotform Support
    Répondu le 12 mai 2023 à 13:16

    Hi Jade,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Upload Space is the available disk space you can use, account-wide, for storing files uploaded on your forms. I checked our system and it shows that your account's upload space is within its limit. You have 9.88 MB out of 100 MB so your account should be okay.

    Note that you can download your form submissions as an Excel or CSV file. if you want to delete submissions from your Jotform account. Let me show you how to delete your Form Submission Data:

    1. In the Submission Table, select the rows that you want to delete.

    2. Click the Delete button on the upper right section of the page.

    3. Select Move to Trash.

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    You also have to free up your upload space by permanently deleting the trashed entries. Let me show you how to purge them:

    1. In Tables, click the main tab's vertical ellipsis icon.

    2. Select the Trashed entries option.

    3. In the Trash panel on the right, select the submissions or tick on the Select All checkbox to mark all entries.

    4. Click the Delete Forever button.

    5. Finally, click Delete in the confirmation window to purge the marked entries.

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    You might want to check out this guide about Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any other help.