Transfert de formulaire

  • admin.tropik
    Demandé le 4 mai 2023 à 23:59


    Veuillez SVP transférer la gestion des 2 formulaires ci-après

    à l'utilisateur jotform suivant

    Merci d'avance.


  • Lyla Jotform Support
    Répondu le 5 mai 2023 à 03:00

    Hi Igor,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Unfortunately, our French support isn't available right now. So, I'll answer this thread in English. I understand you want to transfer 212972272755058 and 213277801099056 to As you requested, I moved them to the account you want them to be transferred to. And please note that when transferring form to another account, the form will retain its URL and all existing submission data will be transferred, too.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.