Paiement en 3 ou 4 fois

  • oliviercourty972
    Demandé le 30 octobre 2022 à 10:16


    Avez-vous un module de paiement qui permette de proposer le paiement en 3 ou 4 fois (ou plusieurs) pour mes clients de martinique ?

  • Afzal Jotform Support
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 10:28

    Hi Olivier,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. We provide support in French. However, our French support team is not available at the moment. For now, I’ll be replying in English, but you can respond to me in French, and I’ll enter your messages into Google Translate.

    Unfortunately, we don't have the option to pay subscription fees in installments; however, we have a monthly payment cycle. Please check our Pricing page to learn more.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with. 

  • oliviercourty972
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 10:38

    I'm not talking about your jotform subscriptions.

    I'm talking about the payment widgets you offer. I know that stripe offers the possibility of payment in 4 instalments with Klarna for example. Therefore I would like to know if in your STRIPE widgets it is possible to set up payment in 3 or at times for purchases.

  • Rhina Jotform Support
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 10:57

    Hi Olivier,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, this is not currently an available option with Stripe. Please consider using PayPal instead and you can follow the steps below on how to setup recurring monthly payments and limit for 3 months.

    1. Click the Add Form Element button in the Form Builder.
    2. Go to the Payments tab.
    3. Select the payment processor you wish to use (e.g. PayPal Personal).
    4. Configure your credentials in the Payment Settings panel.
    5. Set the Payment Type option to “Sell Subscriptions”.
    6. Click the Continue button.
    7. Next, click the Create New Subscription button.

    You can then configure the details of the subscription like the price, subscription period, number of payments, etc.

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    Please try this and let us know how it goes.

  • oliviercourty972
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 11:05

  • oliviercourty972
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 11:15

    Thank you for your answer but that is not what I wanted.

    Using the feature with Stripe allows the seller to receive the entire sale, while the buyer pays 3 or 4 monthly installments to the provider (eg klarna with stripe).

    Do you think you will soon be able to make this kind of settings on your platform?

  • Madonna_U
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 11:42

    Hi Olivier,

    Thanks for explaining what you would like to achieve with our Payment widget. Unfortunately, we don't have a direct integration with Klarna, we currently have this option with Square and Paypal. However, I made a request to our developers to consider this integration with Jotform but when or if it's developed depends on their workload, how viable it is, and how many other users also request it. If there are any updates, we’ll circle back to this thread and let you know.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • oliviercourty972
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 12:01

    Thank you very much for your answer.

    Can you tell me which widgets I can use to benefit from payment in 3 or 4 installments with paypal?

  • Madonna_U
    Répondu le 30 octobre 2022 à 13:23

    Hello Olivier,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Doing that is easy. Let me show you how:

    • In your Form Builder click on Add Form Element
    • Click on Payments and you can drag/drop the Paypal Personal to your form.

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    • Once the Payment widget has been added to your form you'll see the PayPal Standard Integration settings
    • Add your PayPal email address on the top box
    • Select the Currency and select Sell Subscriptions in the Payment Type section.
    • Click on Continue

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    • Now in the Payment Settings, click on + Create New Subscription
    • Add your Product/Service Name
    • Add the price for each installment payment.
    • Add a description to your Product/Service
    • Under the Subscription Period you could choose how often they can pay for the product.
    • Under the Number of Payments section, select how many payments they need to pay for the product and click Save to save the settings.

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    That's it. Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • ender
    Répondu le 19 avril 2023 à 01:31


    Our Stripe Checkout integration has Klarna as an alternative payment method. Here is more information about our Stripe Checkout integration.

    Best regards.