Account Settings: Upgrading an Account

  • scalup5
    Demandé le 5 juin 2024 à 18:10

    Je souhaite également passer en plan payant afin de ne plus avoir le logo jotform en fond.

    Par avance merci

  • Afzal Jotform Support
    Répondu le 5 juin 2024 à 18:15

    Hi Scalup5,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am currently using a translation to provide assistance, but if you want to get assistance in French language, we can forward your request to our French Support Team, but please note that it may take longer to receive a response.

    I understand you are looking to upgrade your account plan. It's really easy to upgrade your account. Let me show you how:

    1. On your My Forms page, click on Pricing in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page.

    Account Settings: Upgrading an Account Image 1 Screenshot 50

    You can also upgrade your subscription on your account’s Upgrade/Billing page.

    Account Settings: Upgrading an Account Image 2 Screenshot 61

    2. On the Pricing page, choose the plan you want to buy.

    3. In the popup window, choose either a Monthly or Yearly payment schedule and either Credit/Debit Card or PayPal as the payment method. 

    Here’s an example of the Bronze plan:

    Account Settings: Upgrading an Account Image 3 Screenshot 72

    After you click on Continue, you'll need to enter your Credit/Debit Card details.

    Account Settings: Upgrading an Account Image 4 Screenshot 83

    If you choose to use PayPal, you’ll get redirected to the PayPal payment page to complete the payment. Check out this guide for more details about upgrading your account.

    Let us know if you need any more help.