How to use multiple payment method

  • alexboivin94
    Demandé le 16 mars 2024 à 13:32
    Ok so I want my clients to have three payment mode :
    1. Cash (in person)
    2. By Interac transfer
    3. Paypal Payment (just a debit card)

    How can I do it ?

  • Rhina Jotform Support
    Répondu le 16 mars 2024 à 13:32

    Hi Alexandre,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, Interac transfer is not currently an available payment integration. The option to allow users to select if they want to use PayPal debit card or pay in person on one integration is also not currently an available feature. If you want the user to select if they want to pay through PayPal or in Person, you would need to create a second form for the In person details. This means you would need to create 3 forms:

    • Main Form – the primary form that will house the two forms where the user can choose if they want to pay with PayPal or In person.
    • 2nd form – will be the first payment method with the option to pay with PayPal.
    • 3rd form – will be the second payment method with the option to submit the form without PayPal payment.

    Then you would need to use the iFrame Embed widget to embed your second and third form on the main form. Let me show you how to set it up:

    1. First, on the main form, add the following Single choice element to allow users to select between the 2 payment forms:

    How to use multiple payment method Image 1 Screenshot 40

    2. Then we'll create the 2nd and 3rd form for the additional Payment option:

    • On your My Forms page, click on Create Form.
    • Select Start From Scratch and then choose a Form Layout.
    • On the Form Builder page, click on the Add Form Element menu on the left side of the screen.
    • Under the Payment tab, choose the other Payment Integration that you want to use.

    3. Then add the iFrame Embed widget:

    • With your form open in Form Builder, click on the Add Form Element menu on the left side of the screen.
    • Under the Widgets tab, click on the iFrame Embed widget and drag and drop it to your form.
    • In the Widget Settings window, under the General tab, paste the Frame URL of the other form.

    4. Finally, create the Conditional logic:

    • With your form open in Form Builder, click on the Settings tab in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page.
    • In the menu on the left side of the page, click on Conditions.
    • Click on Add New Condition and then select the Show/Hide field.
    • Now, create conditions like the ones below:

    How to use multiple payment method Image 2 Screenshot 51How to use multiple payment method Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Give it a try and reach out again if you need any help.

  • margpark8
    Répondu le 22 mars 2024 à 09:18

    Can you please explain the following?

    1. Which form is the one you create the conditional logic in? The original form or 2nd or 3rd?
    2. When I create the 2nd/3rd form it asks me for product list, it won't let me add just the payments elements but requires some sort of basic element. Can you help?
    3. The iframe widget form which is embedded does not show correctly in the form, it shows an owner & editing view, not customer view even when I select 'preview form'. Can you help?
  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 22 mars 2024 à 10:07

    Hi Alexandre,

    Thanks for getting back to us with these details. Let me tell you the details your are looking for.

    The conditionnal logic need to be made in the primary form where the user can choose if they want to pay with PayPal or In person.

    A payment element requires to define an amount and a currency. If you don't want a product list, you can set Payment Type of the PayPal Integration to: User Defined Amount. Let me show you how. 

    1. In Form Builder, at the Build page, select the PayPal element and click on its wander icon.
    2. In the Payment Type section, select User Defined Amount.How to use multiple payment method Image 1 Screenshot 40
    3. Then, if you want to automatically fill in the value for the User Defined Amount, you need to set, in the Iframe widget of the main form, the URL of the PayPal form as below:

    where Pay_Pal_Form_ID is you form ID, and AMOUNT the value (price) to be passed to the User Defined Amount.

    About your last question, note that the URL above is the form URL, with no string build inside. So, you might want to take the URL form from the link provided at the Publish page.

    1. In Form Builder, go to the Publish page.
    2. Select the tab Quick Share on the left.
    3. Click on Copy code to get the URL into your clipboard.How to use multiple payment method Image 2 Screenshot 51

    As a result, we get for instance:

    How to use multiple payment method Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.