Account suspended due to collecting passwords

  • Élise
    Demandé le 28 février 2024 à 16:46


    Je vous écrit car je viens de me créer un compte pour essayer Jotform mais il semblerait que mon compte est été suspendu et je ne parviens pas à me reconnnecter. Pouvez-vous m'aider?

    Un grand merci d'avance pour votre aide et en vous souhaitant une belle journée,


  • Camila Jotform Support
    Répondu le 28 février 2024 à 18:51

    Hi Elise,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'd like to let you know that I am using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you would prefer to get assistance in French Language, we can forward your ticket to our French team, However, please note that it could take longer to receive a response. Your account has been suspended due to the collection of password information on this form: 240586583544061.

    Please note that the collection of sensitive information such as credit card information, login credentials, etc, is violating our Term of UseIn the future, please don't use words like password, pwd, p@sswrd, or similar in your forms, since these will trigger out automated phishing detector and your account will be suspended again.

    To reactivate your account, you will need to comply with our Term of Use and allow us to remove the offending fields. Would you comply with our Term of Use and allow us to remove the offending fields?

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.

  • elise_delise
    Répondu le 29 février 2024 à 08:50
    Hi Camila,
    Thank you very much for your response and your assistance. One of the
    primary reasons I was interested in opening a Jotform account was to
    securely transmit sensitive information through encrypted forms. Our
    clients often have passwords that they need to share with us for access
    purposes. Could you please confirm whether it is not advisable to use
    Jotform for this purpose? If it is possible, could you guide me on how to
    properly set it up?
    Should Jotform not be suitable for our needs, do you have any alternative
    recommendations for addressing this issue?
    I greatly appreciate your help in advance.
    Warm regards,
    Le mer. 28 févr. 2024 à 18:51, Jotform <noreply> a écrit :
  • Camila Jotform Support
    Répondu le 29 février 2024 à 09:07

    Hi Elise,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, it's against Jotform's Terms of Use to collect login credentials. If you add a password field to your form, it will be flagged as a phishing form and your account will be suspended.

    Collecting Sensitive Information. You may not use the Jotform Service to collect certain types of sensitive information, including, but not limited to, credit card information and any types of login credentials. You may collect some sensitive information, such as social security numbers or driver’s license numbers, but you are required to use the best security practices of Jotform, Inc., including SSL and Encrypted Forms features. Furthermore, you are solely responsible for compliance with any data protection and privacy laws and rules applicable to sensitive information.

    For us to move on to reactivating your Jotform account, we are getting your permission to delete those fields.

    Once we hear back from them, we'll be able to move forward with this.

  • Élise
    Répondu le 3 mars 2024 à 15:42

    Hi Camila, 

    I just wanted to say a huge thanks for all your help. Feel free to clear my account. I’m all set for a fresh start. 

    Really appreciate your time and support through this.

    Kind regards,


  • Mike_G Jotform Support
    Répondu le 3 mars 2024 à 16:37

    Hi Élise,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I’m sorry you're having difficulties logging in to your account. I’m going to do my best to resolve it for you. Your account was suspended because it was suspected of phishing activity due to a field in Formulaire (240586583544061) that is asking for passwords.

    Account suspended due to collecting passwords Image 1 Screenshot 20

    To avoid being flagged again by our phishing detector, refrain from asking respondents to provide any password on your forms. If it is part of your business processes or workflows, you can use similar words like code or access code. Other than that, no other kinds of passwords or user login credentials can be collected.

    Since there are no submissions on your forms, we’ve removed the password fields and lifted the suspension on your account.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.