How to upgrade account to add more than 1 email recipient

  • Nicolas
    Demandé le 22 février 2024 à 17:43


    J'ai testé votre version gratuite et j'ai vu que nous avions la possibilité de rediriger nos formulaire à une seule adresse courriel. Je voulais savoir avec les versions payantes si nous avions la possibilités d'ajouter plus de courriels et combien?

    Lorsque vous dites un utilisateur par équipe, que voulez-vous dire? Puis-je avoir plus d'une équipe et est-ce qu'on peut être plusieurs utilisateur sur le même compte?

    Et qu'est-ce que le HIPPA?



  • Rhina Jotform Support
    Répondu le 22 février 2024 à 18:31

    Hi Nicolas,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. With the Free or Standard plan, you can only add one notification email template with one recipient. For any paid accounts, you can add more than 1. If you want to upgrade your account, follow the steps here. As for the Team option, I moved the question here. As for the Hipaa Inquiry, I moved it here.

    Reach out again if there's anything else we can help you with.

  • Nicolas
    Répondu le 23 février 2024 à 15:53

    Thanks Rhina for your answers.

    I still have a question about the email notification. When you say, " you can add more than 1", is there a limit for the paid versions? If yes, how much and is the limit different for each "lelvel" (bronze, silver, gold)?


  • Rhina Jotform Support
    Répondu le 23 février 2024 à 16:05

    Hi Nicolas,

    Thanks for getting back to us. For paid accounts, we recommend only 10 recipient emails per email notification. You can create a new notification if you wish to send it to more than 10 emails. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
    2. In the menu on the left side of the page, click on Emails.
    3. On the right side of the Notification field, click on the Trash Can icon, and delete the existing Notification Email.

    How to upgrade account to add more than 1 email recipient Image 1 Screenshot 50

    Now that we've removed the old Notification Email, we'll just add a new one. Let's do it: 

    • While you're still under the Emails tab on the left side of the page in Form Builder, click on Add Email.

    How to upgrade account to add more than 1 email recipient Image 2 Screenshot 61

    • Next, select Notification Email.

    How to upgrade account to add more than 1 email recipient Image 3 Screenshot 72

    • Click on the Recipients tab and enter your email address in the Recipient Email field. Then, click on Save.

    How to upgrade account to add more than 1 email recipient Image 4 Screenshot 83

    You can also check out the guide here on how you can send notifications to multiple recipients.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any other help.