Change email address of the account

  • MaitreRenard
    Demandé le 18 février 2024 à 11:18


    Je souhaite changer l'adresse Gmail liée à mon compte svp.

    J'ai essayé de la changer mais un message d'erreur m'indique que la nouvelle adresse est déjà liée à un compte Jotform alors même que j'en ai déjà fait la suppression.

    Pouvez-vous me confirme la faisabilité du changement d'adresse s'il vous plait?


  • Jeric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 18 février 2024 à 11:23

    Hi Hugo,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'd like to let you know that I am using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you would prefer to get assistance in French Language, we can forward your ticket to our French team. However, please note that it could take longer to receive a response.

    Now let me help you with you concern. When you delete the account, the email address won't be available for 30 days. What we can do is reactivate the deleted account, then you'll have to change it to a different email address so the intended email you'd like to use for the main account will be available immediately. Please give us the email address of the deleted account so we can reactivate it.

    Once we hear back from you, we can help you better.

  • MaitreRenard
    Répondu le 18 février 2024 à 11:37

    Hi Jeric,

    Many thanks for the quick reply :)

    Here's the thing: I've tested and created an entire form on behalf of my husband small business using my personal Gmail address which is

    Now he finally created his own which is

    I had already modified my settings once to change the owner from mine to his.

    I successfully received the email confirmation and proceeded to make the change but once I selected his own Gmail address with Google Oauth, it ended up creating a brand new Jotform account rather than taking over the one I had already created and in which my form is already saved.

    I have surely done something wrong in the process somehow to end up like this XD

    My question to try to solve things quickly is:

    Is there a way somehow to manually force the change on your side so I can have my form (currently hosted in under an account owned by ?

    Or migrate the form maybe?

    Let me know if it makes sense and sorry for the mess.



  • Jeric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 18 février 2024 à 11:44

    Hi Agathe,

    Thanks for reaching back to us. Like what I have mentioned, we can reactivate the deleted account so you can change its email address. In the process, we need one more email that is not associated to a Jotform account. So here's the flow:

    Login to the account under, which was created by mistake. Change the email address to a different email ( 3rd Email ). Once it's changed, should be free to be used. Then you can can login to the main account under, and change it to Make sure to follow the steps outlined here.

    I've reactivated the account under , please login to it and do the flow. If that is still not successful, let us know and we'll help you further.

  • MaitreRenard
    Répondu le 18 février 2024 à 11:58

    Sounds perfect thank you Jeric, I'll try this.

  • MaitreRenard
    Répondu le 18 février 2024 à 12:07

    Hey Jeric, me again.

    So I've refreshed my browser. Went and try to login in the account with Google Aouth as before and this is what I'm getting:

    Change email address of the account Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Ericson_B Jotform Support
    Répondu le 18 février 2024 à 14:11

    Hi Agathe,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I've reactivated the account. Can you try accessing it again? 

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • MaitreRenard
    Répondu le 19 février 2024 à 02:20

    Hi Ericson,

    Thank you it worked! You can close the ticket, thanks you both for your kind help.

    Have a great day :)