Auto Next function not working

  • uchaillot
    Demandé le 8 février 2024 à 21:44
    and when i answer the question on the first page, I've set it up so that it goes to the next page automatically, but nothing happens.
  • Rica Support Team Lead
    Répondu le 8 février 2024 à 21:55

    Hi Danaé,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I’m sorry you're having difficulties with this. Please know that the Auto Next function only supports the basic Single Choice and Dropdown elements. It will not work if the field before the Next button is not a Single Choice or Dropdown. If you'd like to use the Auto Next function, I suggest using the basic Single Choice element for the "EST-CE QUE VOUS AVEZ ASSEZ MANGÉ ?" field. Here's a demo form where you can test the result.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with. 

  • Danaé
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 05:11

    Does it mean that I can't use personnalize emoji if I want it to work ?

  • uchaillot
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 05:42

    If i use the single choice, can I make the emoji bigger ? As you can see in the photo, I'd like them to be as big as the emoji above Auto Next function not working Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 07:28

    Hi Danaé,

    Thanks for getting back to us with these details. Unfortunately, this not possible, once the emoticons are bigger, they will become images which can't be handled by the Single Choice element.

    Let me show you a workaround. Since you need a Single Choice element at the very end of a page to automatically go to the next page, you can use the Image Radio Button widget and make it automatically fill the Single Choice element to automatically go to the next page. But this doesn't work if you set to ON the Hide option of the Single Choice element. To make it work, you need to hide the Single Choice element by injecting some CSS code to hide it. Let em show you with a clone of your form.

    1. In the Form Builder, in the Build page, add the Image Radio Button widget.
    2. Add a Single Choice element with the one choice for Oui, and click on the gear icon.
    3. In the Single Choice Properties panel, click on Advanced.Auto Next function not working Image 1 Screenshot 90
    4. Scroll down, and click on the downward arrow on the right side of the Field Details section.
    5. Take note for the Field ID.Auto Next function not working Image 2 Screenshot 101

    Now, we need to hide this field by injecting the following CSS code:

    #id_33 {
     display: none !important;

    where 33 is the first number of the Field ID.

    To inject this code to the form,

    1. Click on blue roller paint icon.
    2. Select the Styles tab and scroll down.Auto Next function not working Image 3 Screenshot 112
    3. In the section Inject Custom CSS, paste the CSS code above.Auto Next function not working Image 4 Screenshot 123

    Once done, the Single Choice element is hidden. Now, we just need to make a condition to automatically fill the Single Choice element as soon as the Image Radio Button is filled.

    1. In Form Builder, go to the Settings page.
    2. On the left panel, select Conditions.
    3. Select Update / Calculate Field.Auto Next function not working Image 5 Screenshot 134
    4. Set the condition as below.
    5. Click on Save.Auto Next function not working Image 6 Screenshot 145

    The condition being the following:

    Auto Next function not working Image 7 Screenshot 156

    It's important that the string below the DO Calculate Field Value is the same as the option for the Single Choice element.

    And that's it. As a result, we got: Auto Next function not working Image 8 Screenshot 167

    If you'd like, you can clone my demo which is here.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes. 

  • uchaillot
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 11:26

    Auto Next function not working Image 1 Screenshot 20

    I don't have the same options...

  • uchaillot
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 11:37

    Ok it's working thank you very much !

    I have now questions about how to analyze the data, I can't change things on the diapositive or select a specific question etc

  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 12:20

    Hi Danaé,

    I'm sorry you have difficulties with the condition. The display's design of the conditions on your side is a litte but different than mine because you see the new interface design for conditions, when mine was the old design. But anyway, the design doesn't change the logics, I did a clone of your last edited form, and it works as intended, as show above. Note that your second condition shown below, even if it's right, won't apply to submit. When reaching the end of the form, to submit the form, the user must click on the submit button.

    Auto Next function not working Image 1 Screenshot 20

    If it's not what you are inquiring, provide us with more details.

    Once you're back, we'll be able to find a solution.

  • uchaillot
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 12:27

    It's working thank you very much !

    I have now questions about how to analyze the data, I can't change things on the diapositive or select a specific question etc

  • Carlo Jotform Support
    Répondu le 9 février 2024 à 15:35

    Hi Danaé,

    Thanks for getting back to us. It looks like you have responded to the same question before the last response of my colleague and he has already responded to it. May we know if you need any other help on this case?

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any other help.

  • CHAILLOT Danaé
    Répondu le 11 février 2024 à 12:20

    Hi, I have a question about how to analyze the data, how can I change things on the diapositive or select a specific question, change the legend etc ?

  • Haseeb Jotform Support
    Répondu le 11 février 2024 à 15:33

    Hi Danaé,

    Thanks for getting back to us. You have asked the same question before the second last response of my colleague, and he has already responded to it. May we know if you need any other help on this case?

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any other help.