Written Experiential Assessment
As part of the Aquarium Science Program application, you must complete the following writing assignment. Please address your experience in each category keeping in mind how you would make a positive contribution to OCCC. Respond to all five questions and limit your response to approximatley 100 words per answer.
To complete the assessment:
1. Type your name at the top of the document.
2. At the top of each response, type the words "Response to Question #". This ensures that each response is identified with the appropriate question. Responses do not have to be on separate pages.
3. Type your responses using Arial or Calibri 12 pt. font, double-spaced and left-hand justified. Do not include watermarks, borders, shading, pictures, clip art, word art, letterhead, footnotes, etc.
4. Please use your last name as part of the file name, for instance "Boles_questions.pdf".
Program faculty and staff will score each response on objective criteria. Scoring is based on the merit of each response and is not compared to other answers. Please submit the document to the Program Director Larry.Boles@oregoncoast.edu
Answer each of the following questions according to the criteria outlined above:
Program staff will score each response on objective criteria. Scoring is based on the merit of each response and is not compared to other answers. The Written Experiential Assessment will be worth 25% of the total maximum application points.
Answer each of the following questions according to the criteria outlined above:
1. Time management: The Aquarium Science program involves group projects and assignments from multiple classes while also providing animal care. What tools or techniques do you use to manage responsibilities in your life. How do you prioritize when you have several assignments or duties?
2. Dealing with adversity: Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to address this challenge. Include whether you turned to anyone in facing that challenge, the role that person played, and what you learned about yourself through the process.
3. Handling systemic challenges: Describe your experiences facing or witnessing discrimination. Tell how you responded and what you learned from those experiences and how they have prepared you to contribute to the OCCC community.
4. Future Goals: Articulate the career or future goals you have established for yourself and outline how the Aquarium Science program fits into your strategy for accomplishing these goals.
5. Task commitment: Describe a situation in which you worked to see a difficult task or commitment to completion. Give examples of how your work ethic and diligence made you successful.